Help with an ex gf of 4yrs
Hey.. so I’m going to try my best in cutting the long story short. I dated a girl for 18months, since the break up we have remained in close contact that has been on and off for 4yrs believing there’s either some underlying feelings or at least a friendship.
She has slept with others from the moment we broke up but we have also remained sleeping together with her claiming she doesn’t believe in monogamy as her parents broke up around the time we did which I’ve tried to accept. She has been claiming to me and to her friends the reason why she still knows me is because I am like family but the majority of the time we spend together when we are alone is like the benefits of a relationship without the commitment and her being able to sleep with whoever she chooses to sleep with. We have many fall outs as I try to stand up to what I feel is her wanting the best of both worlds, freedom to be single but also the benefits of her ex still and she always throws back at me that she’s told me we are just friends and I’m overstepping boundaries and will ignore for a couple of months but always comes back saying she needs me to help her or some reason to get us to continue like nothing happened and I fall for it as I still want the friend in her if nothing else.
I have seen her turn a work friend she had a fling with back into a platonic friendship as soon as she was over it, this is where I’m a little confused and lost thinking why hasn’t she done the same to me? So then we know where we stand and we are can have this friendship she claims we have?
Is this normal behaviour for an ex? Or am I just being played?
Thank you