Here my view of religion and enjoy the humor lol
Why I am anti religious.
Here why I am anti religious for ten reasons
1. Religious people, they pray is like they talk to God. Then again they talk to themselves. ( religious person threatened me " God will get u tonight!". I am still here. " religious is like judge and it insult to humanity"
2. Why is churches need money from people? So they can rob them.
3. Homosexuality is sin = bullshit! Gay couples & lesbian couples. They know how to love better than straight couples.
4. Why racism exist because cowards. Why is there murder because hatred. Why is there war existing to this day because unknown reason. Lastly why is there rapist, murder, pedophile exist ( ask yourself and think! Maybe u find answer for yourself)
5. If God wanted us to follow him and act like his followers? Then it's why atheist/ anti religious existed. Because God give us brain to learn and heart to care. We know murder is wrong. If we were in united states along with policemen. Thanks to technology that captured murders and rapist and child molesters.
6. Now since gay marriage exist? Religious people has gone mad because no one won't worshipp their religion or God. It's simple because God can't interfere Freewill and all he can do is give them book & faith or pray such churches. Their religion against homosexuals so they can stoned them = murder
If he was all knowing and powerful? Then he know what it's like to be, men, women, gay. (explains lot why gay means God accepts you.) or even worse.
He knows what it like to be serial killers or rapist or pedophile " God is monster"
7. Religion makes humans blind for not realize of surroundings.
They become delusional, they become pathetic like there Lifetime. Such childish that has imaginary friends.
Americans need to wake up and it's not that hard to wake up and grow up.
8. Religion makes people look dumb and fat. By fat? I mean religious people want to go heaven so they have to wait till they Die being believer of Jesus.
That explains lot why they didn't accept what God give them gift and the gift is Life. I could say God give them gift with a price like There a price to pay and that is accept God or reject God so by reject God? That make him jealousy God.
9. There are lot of type madness comes inside minds and it's full of shape and sizes. Madness can be any type Dark Side within people.
That why it exist due to Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Means we can be evil or good while we have Free Will.
10. Religious people ignore Old Testament so they follow the New Testament. If religious people want to follow the New Testament then why can't they get rid of Old Testament because they can't! According to bible. It's all in there and there lot of copies of bible.
Thank you religious people for being butthurt I mean we atheist/ anti religious raping you for being butthurt. U try pray for us is like suck our cocks, no wonder why u people so crazy. Religious people has been fucked and too much giving people BJ. U try show us love? We walk away because we already known what it like to fuck u. ( get off our dicks)
Bonus= if you going to say " go to hell" Bitch! This is hell! Lmao!