Hey, how tall are you?
5 foot and under. | 65 | |
5'1 to 5'3 | 198 | |
5'4 to 5'7 | 344 | |
5'8 to 5'11 | 347 | |
6'0 to 6'3 | 167 | |
6'4 and over. | 57 |
Ask Your Question today
5 foot and under. | 65 | |
5'1 to 5'3 | 198 | |
5'4 to 5'7 | 344 | |
5'8 to 5'11 | 347 | |
6'0 to 6'3 | 167 | |
6'4 and over. | 57 |
5'11", female, and proud as all hell! Jessicia16, I will SQUASH you. >:(
I'm 6'6" and that height make me sad, everybody lookin at me like im a sort of monster :(
Why is everyone on this site SO TALL! What is it nothing but basket ball players on this site?
5'4" I'm a girl. My brother's almost 7 feet tall though:(! I think I'm shrinking too :'(
6'1 and a half and still growing![guy]
I think guys under 5'9"-5'10" and older than 15 are short (i tease my friends about being midgets XD) and girls over 5'10" are freakishly tall... no offense to anyone but (slight sexism coming up D: ) I think guys should be taller than girls, however i do think girls are generally smarter...
5'9 I'm female. An exceptable guy height is 5'11 and higher otherwise. You r too short!!
male,17 and 5'7 im taller than both my parents but i wish i was taller like 5'9+. FFS short parents FTL:(
im 6'4 an its awesome...only bad part is people always say" hey did u play football/basketball in high school" or "hey you are tall" yea no shyt...
I realize most women/girls like being small and a very small amount of tall women/girls like being tall. Well for most men its very different. I'm a short guy (5'2") and it really sucks. Really hard to find girls that aren't so much younger than me and about my height. Lowers my self esteem to a negative. I wish I was about 5'5" to 6'. I basically stopped growing since I'm almost 17.
6'4 and over category, forgot the exact amount as it's been at least a couple years since last measurement, but it was over 6'4
im a 6'3 guy. only real disadvantage is it hurts like a bitch when i fall down skateboarding.
the bigger you are the harder you fall has a more literal sense with me haha
I'm 5'7 and a girl. I like that hight I don't want to get taller and I wouldn't want to be shorter (no offense to short people you're awsome to, I just like my high)
5'5 and female...kinda average I guess, but I want to grow taller LOL :P