Hi, my name is jack, and i'm a stalkaholic.
I have a very peculiar hobby, and that is to put hidden cameras in my neighbor's home and spy on her. When she goes to sleep, I watch her from her window. What should I do? Is this normal?
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I have a very peculiar hobby, and that is to put hidden cameras in my neighbor's home and spy on her. When she goes to sleep, I watch her from her window. What should I do? Is this normal?
No, it's not normal. You run a real risk of her seeing you and having a very unpleasant reaction (like calling the cops). I'd get rid of the cameras ASAP.
Have you tried just talking to her? Peace.
Either he's a creep or an excellent troll either way I disapprove but if he's a troll I got a chuckle from reading all the people taking it so seriously.
That's not normal!
If you liked her just talk to her and get to know her. The cameras and watching her when she sleeps is fucked up.
I've not read through all the comments but I'm just going to reply to the topic question. NO, this isn't normal, why would you think it was?! Get the cameras out and maybe even get a real hobbie, like tennis or something normal.
fake? if not, then you are a sex offender and should be in jail getting tossed salads everyday
I think this all comes down to your age?
Like if you are 20 or above then it's just fucking weird but! if your under that and its the first time then i say your fine. but i think the cameras is taking it a little bit to far.
actually a lot too far so i think you should stop// and never do this again because what would you think if you had some guy putting cameras up in your house? and think about this what if they find them and the police link it to you. you will be completely fucked.
Seriously, who ever you are and for what ever reasons you're doing this ((STOP NOW)) Do you have any idea how much effect this could have on this girls life if she finds out? She may never feel safe again. Also, you should consider this NOT NORMAL and yourself not normal. Although it may give you a sense of spying you really should be reported for doing this.
this comes from years of my father abusing me and sexually assaulting my sister [Thank God He's dead] when i say that if this is true you should be drawn and quartered... that is drug to the place where you will be hung, be strangled by the rope but taken down before death, then castrated, then be cut down the middle [while still alive mind you] and have your intestines ripped out, then beheaded and lastly have your arms and legs tied to 4 different horse going different direction and be ripped apart into 4 separate pieces to be put on display as a warning to all others with the same though.
but if this is just a joke. it is messed up insensitive and rude. and you deserve to be tormented in life just so you can die and burn in hell for the rest of eternity.
Pull the cameras out and leave her alone. You are just being weird and disrespectful toward another person. If you don't do it I hope you get caught and charged.
This isn't normal. You could end up in prison for quite a while. And, if this lady finds out what you're doing, you coould make her paranoid for a really long time. Stalkers can mess up peoples lives. For goodness sake, remove the cameras and ask the lady out if you're feeling like this.
Ok, what if she actually puts cameras in your house and watches you dress up like a little school girl when you think no one's looking?
Get a lifeeee.