Hiding boners
Hi, I just wanted to ask if you guys know any "techniques" to hide a boner. I've been a boner machine lately lol. Just wondering.
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Hi, I just wanted to ask if you guys know any "techniques" to hide a boner. I've been a boner machine lately lol. Just wondering.
Go right down the hall with it pointing to the sky. Be proud of that Boner!!
I feel sooo sorry for you guys when you get big ones at school!:(
But in all honesty,i kinda think it's sexy when guys get boners.Most girls do!I find it really cute when a boy looks all nervous and i can tell he's trying sooo hard to hide it!i don't know why, it just really turns me on!;)
Wear baggy pants and walk around with one hand in your pocket holding it down.
Just pretend to scratch your balls and pull up your penis and point it up to your belly button. this stops it your pants from poking out
Depends on what kind of boner you get, some ppl get the up-banana-shaped boner which is difficult to hide(you can shove it under your belt or something), and some others get the shotgun boner which is easier to hide by pushing it downwards and bending your back to the front.(however if your shotgun boner is pumping then you're in a bad situation)
My brother told me he hides it by tucking it into his underwear elestic band (draw string). I don't know why he told me that :/
Just wip that 2 incher out and tell a horny guy to fuck your baby penis,
@Blue-Ringed Octopus
just because we have a lot of sheep in new zealand doesnt mean we wanna have sex with them.
now go jack off to kangaroo porn.
also, i put my hands in my pockets and push them forward so it has more room and nobody can see it.
Actually girls like it better when they can see the boner pushing tightly against pants :-p that is only if they like the guy.
Ha dis is hott girls like bonors...guys dont care ....no need to hide is XD
Haha ya the best method is the tuck up, if u have a big enough boner to put on under ur waste band then yes, make sure u have a shirt on though... Cause ur tip will show... If u dont
The worse is the random ones you get in gym class... All guy gym clas... (Yes it is random I'm not gay... no offense to gays) I usually push it down lmao
In public, think about something very unappealing to you.
In private, if you have a table or something to cover it, just ignore it.
Erections come and go until you get into your 20s, and even then sometimes you'll get semi hard for no reason whatsoever. It's part of being a man.
Trust me, even in public most people will understand - as long as you don't act like you're showing it off. I once got a boner in front of my boss who was a really conservative religious lady about 10 years from her retirement, and I'm sure she noticed, but she didn't fire me.
to be honest, girls like to see them. dont go walking down the hall with it ripping at the tangs of your zipper but if your sitting in a desk just let it go wild and dont think about it. a girl only looks there if she likes you. in which case shell like to see it haha
Why hide it who cares everyone gets them sometimes when i get one i just get a big smile on my face
Why hide them? Wear it as a badge of honor and pride. The last thing you should be is embarrassed.
If your in class with one keep it and when a girl sees it start playing with it a little bit if they don't like u already that will get them hooked right away
The best way that I have found to hide boners is to wear briefs with my dick pointing up toward the waistband. If they are standard briefs with a 2-ply front center fly panel, they should be able to keep your dick pointed up throughout the day. When you feel your dick boning up, it will grow upward and not be too obvious.
I wear boxers, and when I get a boner, there is nothing to hold it back. It will start to elongate down my right leg, and you can see the outline. No problem if it's a semi, but when it starts to get hard, it really obvious. I like the feel of loose boxers and just deal with it when I get a boner and people notice it.
At work one day I was trying to read some blue prints, and somebody had written "cubbies," as in little square bookshelves. I misread it as "chubbies," and loudly asked my male boss (in front of co-workers), "What's a CHUBBY?" Then I realized it was really "cubby," but it was funny that my boss came over to look at the plans on my desk, and was sporting a chubby. lol.
Wear a thick knit sweater and let the bottom part of the sweater-roll cover you cock. Or whack offf! Lots of young cunt around to help you behind the curtain on the stage.
I was on feild trip and i got a boner and my teacher saw it come over to my seat and gave me the best bj i have ever gotten then on the way back i fingered her
IF you want to hide it, what I have found works best (and I see no one else has suggested this) pinch your leg or arm so that it kind of hurts for a bit, goes away very fast. Works like a charm!
In high school I'd keep it if in class if there was a girl that was hot (trust me they like it ;) but now im in college and engaged so I just hide by the pinch trick.
Don't like the waste band technique, if you move and your shirts not long it will pop out and you can technically get in trouble for that.
Here ya go:
So i was in the 7th grade and I got a boner in the restroom, due to there being no walls between the urinals, they could all see my hard on and laughed at me. Then one boy asked me if he could see it, I said "sure" then he saw it, grabbed me and brought me to one of the largest stalls, then he gave me a blowjob,then we switched, then we did 'it'....... AT SCHOOL
Why hide? I didnt hide mine at school and i got in my second fav relationship! my favorite was with my bro. Im gay male. Guy who went out with me in school was also gay. I got a boner then he just grabbed it in the restroom then brought me to the biggest stall and gave me a bj... at school
1. some grlsdont like to see a boner unless its "uncovered"
2.turn it to a side and like have pression w your pants
I agree with Sk8rpunk182!! They r sook hot!! I have never seen a guy having a boner but I totally do!! It totally turns me on!
Try to think about math or history, or your grandma O.o that makes my bfs go away lol
The simplest way to get rid of it is to feed.that eel.! Excuse yourself, in whatever way, and go to a restroom and take care of it. Give it about five minutes to dry/noire fluid, check your clothes for evidence, thr head on back wherever you came from
Better yet, if this happens at a certain time of day, then an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Have your gfriend/partner or whoever give you bj before the event, or simply whank is before class (or wherever you may have to be). That should prevent it
dont hide it if some1 is looking down threre then they must be interested 2 if u have a boner then they would be even more pleased :P 2 look at it in other words be proud of it :P
I'm a girl, but my guy friend always told me he would cross his legs? Or wear tight underwear :l Not totally sure dude (he might have been lying)
Wearing tight pants like jeans stop the boner from popping up all the way, so it's easier to hide. Also, you can cross your legs (if you're sitting) and that might hide it. Long shirts/sweaters/coats also help conceal it, as well as wearing tight underwear and tucking your dick down one of the legs, so it will get caught down your underwear and your leg. I've been a boner machine since puberty so I've had a lot of experience hiding them from people.
Wear boxer briefs and tuck it down, forward, under your sack. Good luck, pal.
do the old waist band thick or if u have a jacket zip it up take ur hands out of the sleves a d wank off i do it to a hot chick
Erm have a wank? lol or just do the old waist band trick with your d!ck...ya know have it flat again your stomach. :)
the perfect way to hide your boner is to sneak your hand down your pants and flip your cock flat up against your stomach..simple as that.
stick ur ass out and it will look normal or let it go and lau back to make it look bigger people will think it is cool.
This is hard to describe, but act like you are going to pee. Start the process as if you are about to urinate, relaxing the bladder and a little before you actually do it, hold it. You will notice you're becoming softer. Normally, the penis becomes limp so it can urinate properly.
omg i haave that for a month or so at a time... just put a notebook or something in front of it if ur at school, or slouch over some (esp. w/ jeans), go to the bathroom and press down on ur dick be4 u go back out, it might go away. Also, dont think about it and itll go away...