Historical question

Were the j3ws really trying to bring in communism to nazi Germany at the time just before WW2? Ive heard that a big reason for WW2 was to fight the spread of communism and some Neo Nazis claim j3ws were spreading this. I know this is a anti semetic view, but truth cant be anti semetic. Its either true or its not. Is it true?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • olderdude-xx

    The Jews have historically been business people... and successful business people at that. They have historically wanted capitalism under which they thrive. As a group they have never supported communism (although a few individuals might).

    I believe that you have fallen for one of the "myths" as to why it was OK to kill the Jews. All kinds of similar (and untrue) reasons were used as to why it was OK to steel from the Jews, drive them out, or just kill them.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    From my understanding, a handful of Jews were found to have been involved with communism in a short period of time. It wouldn't have been enough to attribute the spread of communism to them but the Nazi party latched onto it regardless.

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    • Thats what i suspect as well.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Of course not, that’s nonsensical.

    A group of business orientated humans in the early twentieth century are definitely going to rather capitalism.

    But fascist turds like Nazis would love to install a warped version of communism had they won. Communism is all about control.

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  • Palindrome_Phanatic

    Majority of Jews that lived/live in Belorussia, Poland, Russia, UK, Germany, Ukraine etc were mostly not for communism.

    The war was brought on by multiple variables, but if you're asking why an 11 million+ genocide on Jewish folks was done, was because Hitler, Mussolini and other anti-semites brainwashed with people with fancy propaganda and even offered 300-500 ruble per prisoner.

    When the chips are low, people will eat each other.
    Poland actually had the highest death tolls (not just because it housed Auschwitz and other camps) but because they were very enthusiastic about it.

    People who say it started because the Jewish people were "asking for it", "caused issues" "were greedy", "had too many nice things" etc are just racists who couldn't balance their checkbook so they retaliated. They're also ones who like to deny the Holocaust even occurred 😳

    They also stole shît from these people and kept in American banks and were offered cushy jobs for NASA.

    War criminals living it up while SOME Jews were released, but the gays and blacks had to remain in prison until their death (look it up, it's messed up)

    That's why the whole argument for just the Jewish folks doesn't work, each person they tried to break/killed was someone different. Gay men got it worse than women (mostly women were just raped into "becoming straight") the men were tortured and sometimes raped by closeted SS'ers.

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  • Clunk42

    WW2 was not started to fight communism. WW2 was started because Germany was screwed over by the treaty at the end of WW1, and they wanted their money back.

    Why would the Jews want communism, anyway? Traditionally speaking, the Jews were the ones who ran predatory banking operations against the Christians, since Judaism does not ban usury, while Christianity does.

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    • Palindrome_Phanatic

      Are you really going to bash on the ones who saw an opportunity and took it by lending money to the Christians?

      Maybe the Christians should've been better with money, by how often they "require" tithing, 1st 2nd AND 3rd collections, maybe they're just not good with money.

      Lol @ "predatory banking". It's called banking, and they all expected them to do work for them for nothing and got pissed.

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      • Clunk42

        The Christians were fine with money. Tithing was effectively the equivalent of the taxation of the Church. As you pay the government its dues, you pay the Church its dues.

        It's called banking, sure, but I prefer the term "usury", as it all ends up being. It is a perversion of the use of money and a sin against charity.

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      • The Christian church basically banned banking. Its a sin in christianity and islam to issue interest rates. Naturally j3wish people came in and banked for christian countries. And predatory banking isnt exclusive to j3wish people. Its exclusive to practically ALL bankers. So its not really a bad insult. If you are a banker you are going to be "predatory" in a way.

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        • Clunk42


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    • Karl Marx was an ethnic j3w. Also j3ws played a big part in the Bolsheviks taking power (I can send you an Israeli source for this info, although it doesnt mean its true). And then you also have the Nazi party in their speeches blaming J3ws for spreading communism.

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      • Clunk42

        The Nazis also suggested that Frakturschrift and its derivatives were Jewish in origin. Also, very few people have ever wanted to live in Russia, under any of the Russian governments, barring a few rare ones, so it makes sense for the Jews to have wanted a change of government. Of course, the government they got was worse than the one they overthrew, so I'm sure they regretted that later, but, at the time, it probably seemed like a fine idea, especially since the Jewish religion has no rules about staying subservient to those rightly in power.

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