History gets distorted

Watching this netflix series called Roman Empire really shows how history gets distorted and you cant be sure how distorted the actual stories of history are. When the series got to Ceasar, who I use to read a bit about because he was my favorite Roman, I notice how much they change stuff to the story about him. I assume because they think its more entertaining (its not it made me not watch the 3rd season). I imagine in the future maybe sources like this show will be the only thing left and then they will take that story as truth. Or maybe they wont know which is true because of too many accounts. Maybe it is better if they just respect history and not try to change the story when the story is already exciting enough.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Wryladradofft

    All history is at least a little bullshit anyway. People don't mind lies if they're interesting enough

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  • olderdude-xx

    History generally gets written by the winner.. and even the earliest histories are generally distorted by that fact.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It makes the stuff more interesting to the average person. For people who already like history, it makes it worse. They have to find a target audience and unfortunately directors rarely want to market to history buffs.

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    • I get that they think it makes history more interesting but in many cases it doesnt.

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    What makes you think the show is less reliable than the books you've read?

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  • malaparte

    Makes me wonder if people said the same about old Bill when he was writing plays about Caesar and shit.

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