Hitting myself on face and head with torn pieces of blanket with knots
Okay, so I`ve never attempted to verbalize this strange habit of mine until now; That being said, I`ve done this since I was very young, maybe even too young to remember.
I like to take my bedspread, very slowly pick at it (especially right before I go to bed or am waking up) until it starts to unravel, leaving shards of cloth on certain ends of the blanket. On longer shards of cloth, I will tie knots, and hit my face and head with the knots, almost like i`m "whipping" myself with it. Now hold it right there - this isn`t even remotely sexual. Doing this activity - the whipping myself and also the picking at my blanket and slowly unraveling it - produces the most serene calm and happiness, so much so, that I will often times find myself start doing it non-chalantly while I`m at home, and my mind will go blank, sometimes for 5-10 minutes at a time.
During this time, my mouth/lips/tongue will start to *exactly* mimic the act of sucking my thumb. I don`t actually suck my thumb - nor do I want to, but my mouth, lips and tongue making that sucking motion, my tongue sometimes even vibrating a little while I do it. An ex girlfriend referred to it as "your doing your little `lippy` thing" She was the only one who noticed this behavior, gave it a name, and would know I was feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed if she saw me doing it.
In terms of the blanket hitting, I had a `security blanket` which I was pick apart slowly and hit myself with when I was a young child. I had it until I was about 14-15, in which at that point it completely disengrated from all those years of use. Most of my friends thought it strange I had a security blanket that late into my life, so I tried to keep it hidden. I would never dream about getting rid of it, since it made me feel so amazing, so serene, peaceful and calm. Sometimes even now at 29, I still miss it.
Totally strange, but I think on par with thumb-sucking, kind of like Cats happily kneeding a blanket with their claws, etc. I`m just curious if anyone does anything similar to this.
Oh, and what`s weird, is the harder I hit myself, the better it feels, although I can`t do it all day, because usually I get a headache after about 5 minutes and I stop.
Sometimes I daydream about doing it, especially at work and my lips start making the thumb sucking motion again - I usually have to be careful to stop, since my brain really does go dead, not really a great thing to happen when your on the clock.
and no, I say again, it`s really not a sexual thing, its more of a comfort, calming thing. Maybe it triggers something in my subconcious about being a baby, warm and happy in my blanket?