Hollywood historical inaccuracies

Hollywood really does a disservice to history with all the pointless inaccuracies. I'm watching chernobyl episodes and I dont see why they feel the need to change things. The story of chernoboyl is already interesting enough without all the extra stuff. It would be a tragedy if in 500 years they have to go off these movies to explain history. It would be like us reading some greek mythology.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • litelander8

    I think history can be a little theatrical as well. It was all written by the winner.

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    • So true

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  • olderdude-xx

    One of the problems is that actual history can be very confusing and complex, which does not make a good movie.

    As an example in the mini-series you mention: The Lady Scientist who did all of those things did not exist. In reality it was a large group of scientist and engineers who did all of those things (and much more).

    However, it would have been very confusing to put such a large group of people into a movie with each person doing just 1 or 2 things. So "Hollywood" condensed all of those different scientist and engineers into a single composite person - who is one of the heroins of the movie.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      they really made a villian outta the shift supervisor (comrade dyatlov) who by all accounts was a very humble & intelligent guy

      its sad theyd make up all that fake dialog and smear him for dramas sake

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      • I noticed that as well it was annoying how they portrayed coal workers as being that stupid but dyatlov was blamed by ppl in the control room in their interviews before they succumbed to their radiation poisoning. He forced them to start the test at 200 watts instead of 700 watts like it was told in the manuel. A argument broke out in the control room saying it was dangerous but dyatlov threatened to have them fired if they did not listen.

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        • olderdude-xx

          Another thing that the movie did not show was that the Shift Supervisor also disabled a 2nd set of safeties in order to start the test at the lower power. That second set of safety devices would have scrammed the reactor at before it hit the lower power level and prevented the accident.

          I worked for 14+ years in nuclear power plants - and have reviewed the Chernobyl incident step by step on what they did and what they were supposed to do several times; and then we summarize the lessons learned and how those lessons were implemented at our plant.

          Every years we studied at least 2 major industrial or nuclear incidents to reinforce how errors are made and the correct methods. As a Root Cause Evaluator I also had to review another 2 incidents a year that most of the Engineering and Operations staff did not have to do.

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          • Had they have never tried to do the test at below 700 watts do you think it would still be up and running today and the disaster not happen?

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            • olderdude-xx

              Yes, if they had followed the procedure the disaster never would have happened. If they had not disabled that 2nd set of safeties the disaster never would have happened.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              i believe western plants dont use that design thats inherently unstable

              and also follow procedure to the letter

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  • Somenormie

    Even though it can be historically inaccurate it can feel like a good film well some of them.

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