Horrible headaches during sex

Male, 30’s, started having horrible sudden headaches during sex, started randomly last week, has happened everytime since, bad enough to make you stop.
I hate googling medical questions cause they’ll just say I’m dying or something. Just want to know if anyone else has had short periods of headaches that eventually go away

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Jsc072167

    Yes I got a divorce and they went away

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  • darefu

    Move down in the bed or replace your headboard with a padded one.

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  • litelander8

    Wow. This was happening to my sisters husband!

    The doctors told him it was a combination of bad blood pressure and cholesterol. Which is very general in my opinion. He was told to diet and exchange. Also general.

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  • ospry

    Are you on any antibuse medications? I know there are some medications used for treating alcoholism (among other things) by triggering an agonizing migraine when you drink alcohol. I don't know how accurate this is, but there have been anecdotal instances where the same effect happened by other "pleasure centers" of the brain being stimulated or activated, like during sex

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