Horrified by flying bugs/insects
I've never been stung, neither have I ever had a traumatizing experience with flying insects. I'm really, absolutely, tremendously, unbelievably horrified by flying insects. I can't stand them. If they're in the room I'm in I have to get out. If it's just a musquito I don't really mind (sometimes), but if it is / if I think it is a wasp or a bee I run away like a bitch and everyone thinks I'm crazy. At first I didn't mind, but now I'm starting to get nightmares and sometimes being unable to sleep because of just thinking about flying bugs, especially wasps. What do I need to do now and do more people have this fear? I've looked it up, it's called entomophobia. I'm also deathly afraid of butterflies and moths. If it's a small fly, I can just kill it, you'll say, but I'm too afraid of killing something, because it's just too sad. I'm honestly really afraid. Do I need help? It's more than just a "temporary phobia".