Horses creep me the hell out

I don't get why so many people like horses. To start, they're kind of ugly, not "pretty" like everyone says. They are about the size of cows exept they can run really fast and do jumps, so they're basically cows on crack. And the whole neighing thing is creepier than Anthony Weiner. They're creeped me out since I was a little kid, and I feel this is abnormal because I don't know anyone who feels like this about them. In fact, most people are the opposite, and love them.

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 32 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Horses can be beastards but lovable ones. I have three and we're looking after two others. All it takes is time around them and they're lovable bastards. My oldest one always comes over for cuddles. :3

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  • charli.m

    Cows on crack :D

    One of my friends is scared of horses. I'm scared of riding horses.

    I imagine there are many people who are freaked out by/scared of/dislike horses.

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  • MangoTango

    I love horses yet, your post is hilarious! Cows on crack? HA! Um, okay, so you're not fond of horses, that's ok.

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  • Anonnet

    I voted yes, just because. Horses, in my opinion, only really get pretty or majestic when viewed from the side or while running, and always with their mouths closed. Otherwise, they're a little... strange.

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  • Gonfaloniere

    Horses are amazing! I just like to think of how much we used to rely on them for transportation and battle, etc. Did you have a bad experience?

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  • TrustMeImLying

    With much love, OP:

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

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  • Aliceee93

    Horses are nothing like cows? Wtf.
    Anyway, horses are beautiful beasts theyre dangerous and some can be moody fuckers, but its the same with cows and well humans ha.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Normal. Almost everyone had some sort of animal that creeps them out. For some it's rats. For others it's squirrels or their annoying coworker. It's nothing to feel abnormal about, OP.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Horses are evil fuckers

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to be scared of them. I think it was because I read of the dreaded Each Usige. I read somewhere that it could stretch its back to accommodate more victims.

    And, don't look up the Jersey Devil.

    Those aside, I don't fear horses. I am cautious around them because they have been known to injure people very badly. Some injuries have even be life threatening.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You are a very wise fellow. Actually, horses have been declared a dangerous animal in the state of Connecticut, no lie. So be warned, it is now confirmed; horses are out to get people and you may be the next victim.

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    • sega31098

      Dogs are also dangerous animals in many countries outside of America and Western by that token of logic it's perfectly reasonable to say that dogs are out to get people.

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      • thegypsysailor

        But horses are not of this world. They came here to take over the planet Slowly, perhaps, but surely. In the end there will be cockroaches and horses.
        As for dogs being as dangerous as horses, that's just silly. When is the last time you saw an 800 pound dog? Just silly.

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        • sega31098

          Will the cockroaches and horses...*gasp* breed?
          (BTW it's not so much the size of the dogs that I'm talking about)

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          • green_boogers

            It will be cockroaches and rats. The food chain will re-evolve from there.

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