How addicting is cocaine, i want to try it... i am 63 and never did it

How does it make you feel? Where can I get a line or 2? Drug rehab!!??

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Comments ( 14 )
  • KholatKhult

    Can’t be that hard to kick, because I’ve beaten coke addiction 6 times now !
    Ha ! HA !

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    cocaine is one thing

    the scketchmo motherfuckers you gotta associate with to get it is an entirely different thing

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  • bigbudchonga

    It's really quite addictive, and it rinses your bank account. The problem with sniff is that on a night you always want more, so you end up just buying another gram then another gram.

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    • ospry

      How does that not lead to everyone OD'ing on their first go?

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It is very addicting, and it's very bad for your heart, especially for someone in their 60s (no offence). I'd recommend you don't try it.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's best to stay away from that. I've never known a person in real life that's actually benefited from drugs. They all quit their jobs and just loaf around all day ruining their minds and bodies.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its pretty fun every now and then. I dont recommend you try it in your 60s. Its pretty hard on your cardiovascular system.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Doesn’t sound like… a sixty three year old would talk but..ok why not.

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    • MyZephyr

      How the hell should a 63 year old talk? I find this comment VERY offensive (as a 63 year old too). Come on, born in 1960, teenager in the 70's. As you get older you mend slower - and realizing this maybe (maybe) mitigates your behaviour a bit (especially sports that can hurt), but a lot of things were illegal then and harder to do, so maybe we've got a few things on our 'list' that seem a bit odd to someone in their twenties. But don't think old is dull, it just hurts more.

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      • Tommythecaty

        I find your being offended offensive.

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    dont waste your $$$$$$$ these days its all recon. junk stuff.

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  • kikilizzo

    Well I have a friend who claims she tried it once at a party and it was nothing for her. Some people can for sure try a drug once and not get addicted, while others get hooked immadiately. Why does one even want to try in the first place? It's stupid as hell and I just assume all addicts are former edgy teenagers who wanted to be cool or didnt possess the ability to say no to braindead addicts at a party offering them to try it. With how addictive it is, one truly is dumb for even trying just for a feeling that lasts a short while and then you feel like pure shit and if you get addicted you'll do anything to afford more and just completely flush your life down the drain. Amazing. Very smart thing to do.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Its addictive for the night, or maybe a weekend but then it feels gross and you flush $200

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  • raisinbran

    I wouldn’t now-a-days ‘cause you don’t know if they cut it with fentanyl which requires precise measurement or it will kill you.

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