How bad is the crime grand theft auto?

I know what you're thinking, not the game Grand Theft Auto I am talking about the crime ( the crime that involves someone stealing a car and driving off without returning it ). Yes I also know it can be considered a felony in America.

Slightly bad 0
Not so bad 4
Very bad 5
Bad 11
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Comments ( 9 )

    Equivalent to horse stealing in the old days, because you may deprive a person of his way to work, ruining his livelihood. Of course if you’re a deadbeat, you won’t care about that.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Theft is one of those crimes that will vary in opinion depending on who you ask and the person being stolen from.

    In the case of grand theft auto, this will likely vary based on the insurance, liquid assets, and health of the victim. Stealing a Lamborghini from Elon Musk and stealing a beater from a homeless, elderly woman are completely different levels of bad.

    The same goes for other types of theft, but obviously grand theft auto tends to be a lot more pricey.

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  • KholatKhult

    What do you mean by “how bad”? You can Google the maximum sentences for grand theft auto according to where you live, if that’s what you were wondering

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    • bigbudchonger

      I think he means morally. In the sense of how bad to people see this crime.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I've had cousins that stole cars to sell the parts. They only got a few months in jail. Most places wouldn't hire them after that.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Depends who your stealing from. Like I ride a bike to work. Bike theft is generally disregarded. However if someone stole my bike they just turned a 15-20 minute work commute into an hour or more one way. That has a serious impact on my life.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    It was more common in the 90s than today.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I dunno, but if someone stole my car I would not be displaced if they crashed it, and died as a result.

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  • raisinbran

    Depends, did you fuck a prostitute then run her over?

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