How can cat owners allow them to jump on their countertops and their beds?

I just don't get it. Cats step in a litter box and run out and jump on the countertops and the bed. It's filthy and absolutely disgusting. How do you cat owners justify cooking in a space that a cat trampled over or put your head to the pillow knowing your sleeping in feces?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • wigz

    Uh, you can simply wipe down the counter before you make food. And I'm not concerned about the bed, it can't be worse than what you might pick up on your own feet and hands just from living with a cat. As long as you clean regularly it's really not a big deal. The shed fur is a way bigger issue IMO.

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  • lordofopinions

    Cats like high places. Ours jump on the counter all the time. We swat them off but don't get the message. The counter gets washed a lot. LOL

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  • curious-bunny

    Don't care really, cause that's not really how it works. Plus I tract in more germs from my job then a cat could ever do

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  • fakeaccount3

    Why would it be filthy unless you're some kind of germaphobe? I don't own pets anymore but for one things you can rarely get diseases from a cat, and for 2 I dont care if i do anyway. you're harldy "sleeping in feces" any more than you would be from farting in your bed.

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    • Nickvey

      ehew , this one is a bed farter .

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  • TerriAngel

    But Oral sex is OK?
    I'd worry more about the public items other PEOPLE have touched.
    Astroturf in front of the box catches the stray litter.

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  • Hateful1

    Read up on the world around you. Do you flush your toilet? Fecal matter in a toilet is turned into an aerosol and can travel over thirty feet in your house. Even passed doors an into closed cases.

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  • Nickvey

    cats have a shit parasite that takes over the mind of the human and control it . its called Toxoplasmosis gondii. Parasites Practicing Mind Control - The New York Times
    Aug 28, 2014 - An unassuming single-celled organism called Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most successful parasites on Earth, infecting an estimated 11 percent of Americans and perhaps half of all people worldwide. It's just as prevalent in many other species of mammals and birds. In a recent study in Ohio, scientists ...

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    • Ummitsme

      But it makes you good at soccer.

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      • Thats a pretty interesting article, I can't believe Toxo is actually a thing...I was completing joking with the above comments. Now when I see a cat I am running! And no not after a soccer ball lol

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    • Hateful1

      Toxoplasmosis doesn't control peoples minds. It can kill you if you have a compromised immune system.

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      • Nickvey

        i wasnt involved in the cat parasite mind control science i just had to study it. Because it was in my parasitology books.

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    • Great connection Nickvey! I always knew something wasnt quite right with cat owners!

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      • Nickvey

        yea , sort of a zombie thing going on with them , its like they are alive and not alive at the same time. kind of like the relationship they have with their cats too.

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        • Ya its like "Fear of the Walking Cat" lol get it? get it? I know that was corny, but I had to! 🤓

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