How can i make a few extra hundred dollars a month?
My work is suddenly deeply interested in my hours, after moving into an apartment and buying a car, and I'm finding myself in need of increasing my income, yet again after finally thinking I had enough to support myself
Does anyone know a way to earn a few extra hundred dollars? I work 55-60 hours, so another job probably won't work, unless it's like one day a week, which may be possible I guess since I am considering to offer working my day off at another store, but I dunno
I'm also considering asking for a promotion I feel is deserved, I've been doing GM work as a baseline manager since March or April with only two days of training. First time I asked about that I was told I'd make less in salary than I do hourly, but I don't see why I couldn't be salaried for 55-60 hours (typical GMs are salaried at 50, but they work delivery stores with like 30 other people, I'm working a carryout store with now 4 high schoolers)
I really like where I work and everything about it, but missing out on these hours is financially crippling, like going back to being homeless with an eviction record if I can't pay for everything
I remember people talking about buying and selling bitcoins for a profit, I'm not sure how that works exactly but I can definitely spend a few hundred dollars on bitcoins if they can be sold same day?
Or buying other things and selling them, I just don't want to be dependent on like eBay or Amazon and waiting for people to buy from me
I don't really want to do uber or anything like that, I don't want to put my car under any extra stress than it needs to be, I want to keep it running for as long as possible
Alternatively, I would consider an online job, but I would need a computer which I don't have (all I have is a cell phone) so setting up for that plus waiting for a paycheck might be detrimental
I don't know what else, any advice?