How can i stop miss placing my wallet?
I have a certain place I keep it, but I have to have it to drive. I will hide it in the visor and forget it, or under the seat, glove box etc..
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I have a certain place I keep it, but I have to have it to drive. I will hide it in the visor and forget it, or under the seat, glove box etc..
I’ve kept my wallet in my left rear pocket since high school. Then at night it goes on top of my armoire until I get dressed the next day. When I take it out in public I immediately put in back in my left rear pocket. It’s a good habit to develop.
I keep mine in certain pockets in my jackets. There are wrist wallets too, some look a bit weird but you could probably find a decent one online.
Never allow your wallet to leave your hand unless its going into your pocket or a assign spot in your home. I had this issue bad but nowadays my muscle memory is trained to never set my wallet down anywhere. Its either in my pocket or kitchen table. I sometimes forget what I'm doing and will just hold it for 45 minutes or so while watching TV not realizing its in my hand.