How could she?

When I was a kid my mother tried to throw me out of an apartment window That still haunts me

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Outside of the apartment actually being on fire as previously suggested what she did what definitely not normal, but it's normal for you to be haunted by such a traumatic event.

    If it's any consolation my mother pulled a knife on me once.

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  • postmanlover

    Need more info. maybe the apartment was on fire

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  • icant_

    That's a beautiful story. But we need more info.

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    • Misogynist19

      Well when I was younger I expressed myself vocally and I was treated like I didn't have a soul she verbally and physically abused me just for a thrill I wasn't even at fault for anything I was being a child. She even kicked me out and left me in the cold for no reason except for her own pleasure she singles me out and makes me the enemy because I am diffrent

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