How deep is the corruption in politics?

Referencing the US...
I talked with a disillusioned family member about the upcoming midterms. They basically won't be voting because they hate both sides to the point where they can't even pick a "lesser evil".

It got me thinking today. There's a lot of stuff that goes on in the government at both the state and federal levels that I would never know anything about because I'm just a regular citizen who reads publicly-available information.

For instance, is the real election on election day, or is it when the nominees are selected? Third-parties and write-ins never win, so I'm only looking at two people. What if all of them are scum? And if it's really the nomination that matters, how do I even influence that? Do I vote in polls? Does anyone really check those for integrity? Could they be falsified?

Am I going too deep into the rabbit hole? What do you think?

There's no corruption in politics, calm down 0
There's some, but don't put a tinfoil hat on 4
There's a lot, but we're not powerless 7
There's a ton, you should already have a tinfoil hat on, fool 10
There's no non-corruption in politics, were you born yesterday? 11
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Comments ( 19 )
  • kikilizzo

    All politics is deeply corrupted. Money and power corrupts, that is a fact.

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    • LloydAsher

      Granted. Least it's better than anarchy. Need to control the population when you get above a certain size. Keep your citizens from killing eachother, defending itself. Simple shit.

      I'm a simple shit libertarian.

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  • megadriver

    "How deep is corruption?"
    Think Mariana trench deep and multiply that by 260. A.K.A. rotten to the core...

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  • iEatZombies_

    When you see the man that looks like he has all of the answers to solve all of the world's problems, know that you are looking at the most corrupt man who has ever and will ever live.
    Politics isn't about solutions, it's about optics.

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  • olderdude-xx

    It used to be that the US politics was relatively clean (nothing is every perfectly clean when dealing with people).

    The biggest problem I currently see is that most of the political adds and some politicians are just spreading lies or presenting information that is not relevant to the campaign underway (to create more confusion).

    I personally believe that we need some organization that fact checks all adds and political speeches prior to them being used that validates that the information provided is factual and relevant to the campaign.

    Edited to add: My wife grew up in the Soviet Union in what is now Ukraine.

    She says that the US Political Process and Politicians are amazingly clean in comparison the the Soviet Union and early Ukraine. Ukraine has been cleaning things up a lot since 2013.

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    • LloydAsher

      Being clean compared to Ukraine and the soviet union really says more about those countries than the usa.

      Granted it's not super bad but I say we need term limits for congress. And ESPECIALLY no insider trading for the family who's in congress. That paul Pelosi crap makes people care less he got smacked by a hammer.

      Which is bad but I find the lack of security and lack of bodycam footage to be highly suspect, not saying orgies or anything weird but it's kinda suspicious how they release releasing the details.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I don't remember my hometown having any sort of corruption. The one cop that was known to be a fuck up was fired once there was evidence and the mayor was only in charge of a handful of things.

    Any city worth its salt is going be full of it though. With cities comes crime and with crime comes corruption.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    At the top level its extremely corrupt in my country. Its a union of corporate leaders, the media, and politicians who all work together and lie repeatedly to push whatever agenda they have going on. Thats why they want to censor the internet because ppl now realize theyve been doing this forever but there was no way to know until now.

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    • My concern is that it's not just at the top level. It could be corrupt all the way down the chain because everyone is in the pocket of someone else. The only exceptions being the low-level guys that don't handle anything important.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Where I live I dont see low level corruption as bad. Maybe a "good ol boy" will be allowed to have his wife pick him up instead of cops giving him a DUI. But politically its not too bad locally. It is in the corporate world and the unions tho. Ive experienced a lot of corruption working for a corporation and a union.

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  • profanity

    Some corruption is allowed in politics.

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    • LloydAsher

      Would no corruption be better or is corruption like grease? A tiny bit gets everything running smoothly but too much just gums everything up?

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      • profanity

        Well put.

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        • LloydAsher

          Asked it more as a question rather than a philosophical statement.

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          • profanity

            Politics is corrupt because people are corrupt. Politicians are not some aliens from outer space. They are elected by us. Before pointing finger at politicians people should take a look at themselves.

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            • LloydAsher

              I dont judge politicians for light corruption. Just when they go against their voter base for personal gain. Or blatantly for their own wealth.

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  • ospry

    Good point. Please ignore my tirade

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  • ospry

    Is the side that shills for big corporations and Israel conservatives? Because the idea that big corporations have been in the pocket of conservatives hasn't been true for decades. Wall Street and Silicon Valley suck the dick of left-wing politics, but the pushing narrative that Republicans are controlling them is the left's way of having their cake and eating it too: big corporations/capitalism are bad, so straight up gaslight everyone about which party every billionaire (sans Trump and Musk) and their companies are in bed with

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  • litelander8

    Lol. Are we related..?

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