How do i access or get back into the time realm?
Do you know how to access the time realm and how to become a time witch and learn time magick, witchcraft or spells and become a time magician, a time God, a time guardian a time traveler and a watcher of time and possess the book of time from the order of time and summon kronos or cronus the greek mystical mythological mythical god of time? I wanna astral travel or astral project myself into the time realm or the realm of time or psychic travel or witch travel or spirit travel into the unseen realm or spiritually travel there into the tome realm and time world and the unseen realm and the unseen world and the emerald dream realm and the akashic records and the hall of knowledge? please help me and teach me how to do this right now and give me your best advice thanx Sincerely Ovaldo Brown
P.S. I remember someone said this to me
"Yes, you are slowing down time. You are A Element, it’s what me and my clan call our kind. You have abilities for reasons you’re gonna wish were fake. I’ve have not seen a “space gifted” element since I started practicing. You are amazing. Please be responsible with you powers. They are precious."
I would like to join your clan and find more of our kind and more space elements like us?
My story is a long one but hopefully you can help me?
But when in fight or flight i have the ability to slow down time which i wanna harness and use naturally as an ability because time is my friend?