How do i even out my body?

In all honestly I really like my stomach and my waist, only I wish to thin out my thighs and make my shoulders smaller so I kinda look more evened out. Only I’ve done a lot of cardio and my legs only get more big and muscular. I also do a lot of push ups and arm exercises but they don’t help so I don’t know what to do up to this point? I need to have a ballerina-like appearance for a dance performance by the way.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Ummitsstillme

    Why? Do you want to look like a skinny boy? Just stop weights altogether. Eat more tofu if you are a man. If you are a woman eat more dick. The hormones will balance you out into a hipless, shoulderless, souless androgynous.

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  • barstool

    I don't think you get to choose which bits the fat gets disappears from... alls you can do is diet and work which muscles you want to be stronger

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  • Aroura77

    if you're younger than, say, 25, that kind of thing tends to even out over time naturally. If you have shorter legs they'll probably always be a bit thicker in proportion to your body (mine are) but it definitely evened out completely by the time I was about 22.

    The best ballerinas aren't stick thin in the legs either, they have lean, strong, sizable leg muscles, although many of them have long legs which are better for leaps, and being on pointe can give the appearance of being much longer and proportionally thinner in the legs.

    Either way, muscular is good for dance, because the best holds, leaps and turns come from the highest ratio of strength/weight, and muscle provides all the strength.

    Generally for me it's:
    Weightlifting for strength
    Cardio for endurance
    Yoga and swimming and flex practice for flexibility
    and dance to bring it all together
    Good Luck :)

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