How do i fix my insomnia?

So I moved to a new city and transferred offices. I have a physical job but at this new job work ten times harder physically than at my own. I guess im healthier as im losing wieght and now can do 25 pull ups. However I been having a lot of issues sleeping. In the past I drank a ton of soda and occasionally alchohol but recently quit. Now I've turned to smoking cigars and simply drinking ice tea in order to sleep. I guess even as a trade off its not a healthy one. :/

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Batman950

    Go to, they have plenty of hints about developing good sleep hygiene.

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  • Iced tea has caffeine. I use a small amount of nyquil and it works great. I sleep well and wake up refreshed. You don't have to take a full dose either. Maybe about a quarter dose

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  • brutus


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  • IrishPotato


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  • legthief

    Try not to stare at electronic screens for at least the last hour before you go to bed at night. Install f.lux or similar on your devices to create a warm screen colour at night (blue light inhibits melatonin production, leading to a rough night's sleep).

    Turn down bright lights in the home as the evening progresses.

    If you're in bed and you can't sleep, get up. Read a book or do a chore. Don't use your phone or computer. Go back to bed as soon as you feel sleepy again.

    Play gentle white noise tracks on a loop as you sleep. There are loads on Spotify or there are free mp3s you can find and download.

    Your circadian rhythm (essentially your sleep cycle) resets when you have your first meal of the day. Don't snack in the evening or when you're awake in the night. Only have breakfast once you've started your day.

    Finally, and this is an extreme measure, try going a whole night without sleep. The next day, don't nap, have a full day with work, chores, activities, etc, eat three square meals at the correct times.

    Employ all of the other methods above whilst doing this, then go to bed at a sensible hour.

    With discipline, this will force your body into resting at the right time of night and will reset your circadian rhythm.

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  • Ellenna

    Nicotine (cigars) and caffeine (tea) are both stimulants so I suggest as a first step you cut them out late in the day and see if that helps you sleep better.

    If you used to drink a lot of alcohol and recently gave it up, that could also be a factor.

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  • litelander8

    Tea has caffeine. Do a hot decaf tea (maybe a shot of bourbon in it). And I put eucalyptus oil on my wrists and neck and that puts me out!

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  • LostSoul96

    I'd say it depends on the reason for your insomnia. If you're stressed a lot if you have racing thoughts, many worries, too much energy or caffeine, etc.
    For example, if you're stressed relaxation practices may work out. If you're worried a lot check if it's accounted and get rid of it as fast as possible. If you're having too much energy stop with the ice tea and if it's caffeine don't drink coffee too late.
    It also depends on the kind of insomnia, if it's you who can't sleep continuously if you can't fall asleep or both.
    For all of this, I'd recommend seeking help from a therapist or doctor. They should have a certain routine with insomnia and help you get rid of that problem.

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  • jethro

    I would say going to sleep will fix it for a while.

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