How do i get my brother to stop doing this?

When my parents go out of town for the weekend, which is often, my older brother will bring over some of his friends and gang up on me. It used to be simple stuff where they would tie me up and leave me somewhere so they could "peacefully" cause trouble but lately its gotten worse. Now they tie me up and after they are wasted, they will inappropriately touch me and do sexual things. Ive been trying to tell my parents but they're too oblivious and im afraid to tell the police in fear of what he will do to me if he finds out. What do I do?

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Comments ( 24 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Call a rape crisis hotline. I think you NEED to talk to someone who understands and can encourage you to call the cops.

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  • VinnyB

    You thought it was just "simple stuff" when they would just tie you up and leave you somewhere? And no, non of this is normal.

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    • Alright, maybe it wasn't "simple stuff" but it wasn't as bad in the beginning.

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      • FJK_frm_AK25

        If I we're u I'd fight them back maybe confide INA close friend so uR not alone.then da both of ucan decide the bes way to proceed.ur bro shud b havn ur back rather than what is happening

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  • Convicts.Bitch

    Please please please tell your parents. This is not in any way shape or form normal. This is sexual abuse/assault & the culprits should be punished for it. If you can't talk to parents go to somebody you trust. This cannot continue & i'm so sorry this is happening to you. I wish i could physically help you. Please honey build the courage & report these animals. I'm so worried for you now :( let me know if your ok

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  • Crazyperson2

    You need to hide when his friends come over. boxes, closets, cabinets, ditches, cars, up a tree anywhere they wouldn't think to look for you. You could also hang with some friends of your own so you are far away and safe. or even just go to a random fast food restaurant that has WiFi and stay there as long as you need to and play on your phone or tablet or something. I do all those things except go to a fast food restaurant when I'm scared. I'm almost always scared so i do a lot of hiding.

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  • gaybeast2015

    wheres ur brother friends ill cut every dicks off put it in meat grinder text me if you need to talk 440 305 0288

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    • FJK_frm_AK25

      I'll help

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  • Avant-Garde

    Tell the cops, they'll provide you with protection.

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  • stopandthink

    I'd beat the fuck out of them. It's not normal, you have to get this to stop now.
    Yes, call the police, that's the best option. Whatever trouble they get in, they wholly deserve it.

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  • theseeker

    Sounds like your only option is to take the advice of others on here. Face your fear and go to the police. You can't keep going on like this. Find a way to protect yourself in case he does find out If he comes after you, you do what you have to.

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  • icant_

    Use a fire extinguisher.

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  • Not normal. I suggest making one of these. It's a simple to make item that can turn the most vulnerable person into somebody nobody wants to fuck with.

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    • Yay craft time

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think I love you!

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    • Ellenna

      That's totally ridiculous, she's one person against a gang of predators, even if she had a gun she'd still be vulnerable.

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  • sexysonofsam

    Do you like it when they Inappropriately touch you, does it feel nice?

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    • To a crazy person it probably would but no it does not feel good :/

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      • Ummawkward

        Sit your parents down when he is not home and tell them. Lock your door or go to a friend's house when it's just you guys. If it continues, steal the beer and feel free to call the police, they'll take care of it.

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      • Crazyperson2

        is is a crazy person. but not that crazy.

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      • How old you both anyway? You say you're living at home but is he over 16, or over 18? depending on the state the laws can be different on what you can do.

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        • Hes over 18. Being of adult age, I could get his ass into alot more trouble not only for under age drinking but also for abusing my ass.

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          • RoseIsabella

            So do it, call the cops! You deserve better than this abuse they're inflicting on you!

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      • In the right kind of situation this could be a lot of fun. There are people that fantasize about these kind of situations (in a safe and consentual way).

        If this is something that you're not getting any pleasure or enjoyment out of, I would really try to let your parents know. Straight up tell them whats going on.

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