How do i get my cat to be an outside cat? (nicely)

I know this is not a "is it normal" question, but I really dont know, my first cat and I dont want to mess this up..and yahoo answers wouldn't let me ask this question for some here goes,he has only been an outside cat once and that was when he was a kitten and he was being beat up by other cats, so we saved him and he has remained an inside cat since, but lately I have been so allergic to him and every time i am near him i feel like a lung is going to collapse it is that hard to breathe, my better half does not want to get rid of him because he loves him SOO much.
How can we NICELY turn this indoor cat into an outdoor cat? oh, and how do I try and get him to use the bathroom outside? he does this annoying thing whenever he poops he wipes his butt on the carpet and walls, he does not have an anal gland problem or worms, he just likes to wipe his butt after pooping (he has no poop hanging off either).
he is a little over 2 years old and I really need to get him more energetic, he literally sleeps all day, (he is getting big, he is obese) oh, and we feed him just fine, he is just obese..and yes, I know cats are suppost to sleep alot, but he cannot do that right now due to his weight problem..

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Comments ( 12 )
  • only feed the cat outside, he will be waiting by the door in no time

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  • jondoerandom

    1.Open the door.
    2.Pick up the creature.
    3.Carry it outside (booting it is not necessary -since you said "nicely").
    4.Close the door behind you.
    5.Go watch TV.

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  • hibbz

    If you have a garage, encourage your cat to eat and sleep in your garage for a while, and in the day, leave your garage door open and your back door shut, and your cat will be curious as to what is outside!

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  • Crudhouse

    Keep the food outside and feed him at odd times so he's always staying where the food might come

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  • Kindvetknowledge

    Well, make sure that the cats that bullied itaren't there(or block them off if they are) then put your cat o. A very very soft collar and lead and walk her round the harden a bit further each day, and if you put her litterbox in the garden and fit a cat flap in the back door, your cat hopefully will understand to go outside for the bathroom. If this doesnt work, then put your cat in one side of the house and you live in the other. You could ask someone to help look after it, too!

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  • IDon'tBelong.

    If he is interested just let him walk out with you (if you go to hang out washing or something) then if he runs off let him go. And also put his food and water outside. He will come back when his hungry. That's what I did with my cat. He just lays outside in the grass now.

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    • thischick1234

      He RAN outside once he knew he could go outside haha, he LOVES outdoors. but I dont know if i can fully put his food dish out in our backyard because our next door neighbor's cat hangs out in our backyard, and I don't want another mouth to feed. so when he goes outside, I put his food dish out there. He just eats the plants though, never interested in his food, is it bad that he eats plants?

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      • IDon'tBelong.

        He'll be fine, don't worry about him. (: let him eat what he wants. Haha. Xo.

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  • wigsplitz

    A friend of mine said that they trained their cat to go to the bathroom outside by putting the cat box closer and closer to the door and then eventually putting it outside of the door. That's all I know though, they said it worked.

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    • thischick1234

      I will try that :) thank you

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  • auzzie

    You can get a "cat run" it's like an outdoor jungle gym for a cat. That way the cat is safe, and you are less affected.
    (or get rid of the cat and get a dog- much cooler!!)

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    • thischick1234

      I wish more than anything I can get rid of this cat for a dog, it is my boyfriends cat. but he loves him so much and he will not get rid of him..I am with you on this one, I love dogs, not cats

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