How do i get my confidence up?
I have acne, and I'm scared of talking to girls. Is there any advice on being confidence about my self?
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I have acne, and I'm scared of talking to girls. Is there any advice on being confidence about my self?
Stop giving a shit about what people think.
A lot of the time we are more worried about what people might say and most of the time they wont say it to your face anyway so why should you care? thats right you shouldn't.
Buy a leather jacket and flip up the collar, give thumbs up and say EHHHHH! thats the best i got. all my knowledge of cool comes from happy days.
Get rid of your acne... people have different problems when it comes to acne so what might work for one person might not work for you.... ask your doctor.
my bf takes antibiotics to help with ingrown hairs and acne on his face.
Once you feel better about your face you can start to feel better about yourself.
How do you dress? Maybe buy yourself some new clothing that makes you feel better... a new look :)
You can even get a new hairstyle
this works for both boys and girls.
After all that you should be feeling better because you are looking sharp and ready to take on the world... ! You are amazing :)
Next time you're trying to talk to a girl, if a male of any age walks by, immediately give him a swift headbutt, preferably in the face. This'll get the adrenaline really flowing, and allow you to easily display your wit and true self in your euphoric state.
Works every time!