How do i get rid of my mentally i'll family?
How do I get rid of my mentally I'll family? My father, mother and brother are all very I'll. My dad seemed to have changed after he got his new wife and seems to want to better himself. He was an abusive Narcissist before. My mom seemed judgemental but did seem to love us until she got a new husband. Which it seems she changes personality based on whoever she is dating. Her husband was a ex convict and treated everyone else like crap and wanted to be worshipped like a king. My mother is bipolar as after leaving my dad became slowly more abusive and essentially used fear and violence to control and trap her children. My brother has depression, is an alcoholic and has GID so feels like they were assigned the wrong gender at birth. I have left my family and it's been 3 years. Now my mother won't stop calling saying I need to quit my job, come home to take care of my sibling two years younger than me, and how she has no idea how anything she did was damaging or wrong. I'm sick of explaining to her dellusional mind that I need to be left alone already. What do I do to get her to go away? I am not a trained therapist but I been playing one my entire life. I mean if I was paid to counselor these people it be one thing but at this piont I'm just giving up my life for them. My mother is also very calloused towards anything she doesn't seem worth caring about. So she's fine with animal abuse which I don't agree with because I love animals.