How do i get the black guys to stop approaching me?
it seems they dont know how to approach a woman. Anyway for the most part, I dress appropriately.... light on the makeup, hair style has been compared to aaliyah's a lot, (NO cleavege, NO tight clothing, hardly any skin showing, sunglasses ON, behind is COVERED, flat shoes or tennis shoes(EVEN THOUGH I PREFER HEELS :(..), NO smile on my face but they still approach me!! ERRRGGH I find black men in general very aggessive most of the time, rude to women, most of the times not articulate except for the ones that went to college a bit, and not good with sticking around to help raise their kids which has caused me to not desire them as a romantic partner, and what makes it even worse is that they have the nerves to come at me usually by saying, "A!" or "AY bay-bee!" or "How you doin?" most of the times when they try to get my attention. Dont they realize that just because I'm black it doesnt mean that I like that stupid uneducated mess and nonsense they pull out? Its like gotten to the point where now I feel compelled to stop ignoring it and just say, SHUT UP LOSER! lol. (Not trying to be rude)