How do i get through to this person?

Long story ahead

I have this friend (not best friend or boyfriend) who really likes me. But I don't like them back, in that way. I'm just cool with em. Somewhere to hang wen bored.But here's why we're not "best friends"...

So he gets mad about the littlest things I do if its not with or includes him. Mind you we DO NOT go together at all.

So, wen he gets mad he expresses his unasked opinion. Makes everything seem like I'm a bad person or something in that nature. And I dont bat an eye. I could really care less about wat he says because he's hypocritical and selfish. (Which I've called him out on, and it just starts a whole nother argument)

I proceed with a response to watever he says, and he catches a whole attitude about I blame everything on him. I don't ever see anything wrong with what I do.

Everytime we talk i sit there n listen to his whinny ass, and don't even interrupt him. BUT WEN I talk. He has to interject, try n justify himself, etc.

Its super annoying and wen I even tell him about his self, again he gets mad. It pisses me that he doesn't listen to, or take in what I'm saying so bad that sometimes i lash out.

I take in everything he says, consider it, even apologize (dont mean it half the time) just to shut him tf up make him feel happy or wat ever and to dead the convo. (I have to act like the bigger person)
But wen I talk, (which be to watever hes talking about. Because half the shit he says is only from his point of view, because something isnt-wasnt going HIS way) he plays victim, says I blame everything on him. I dont ever see anything wrong (mind you i apologize half the time, he never does) I do blah blah blah. He doesnt get the fact that, he's not always right his self. The things he get mad about are only from selfish views. He doesnt look at the overall picture. Only from his stand point. And that really annoys me.

But my question is:

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Anonymoususerggcvhibouhuyirv

    Ignore him or destroy him ,either works😀

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  • lordofopinions

    You can't fix stupid.

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  • KiwiWisdom

    You can't. You can try to slowly and patiently teach him where he's making mistakes over time but you can't force people to think, or consider your point of view. Right or wrong doesn't matter in this case. All you can do is be patient, keep him on take and not tolerate rudeness.

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    • Ik I can't but its gotta be a way for him to realize he's not always right the world doesnt revolve around him just because its not his way or if he's not apart of something.
      Its very frustrating. I try n be nice, listen to him, etc. But my point never gets through. It annoys my soul!!
      And sometimes I even won't respond, then hes like oh now your not gunna talk. I'll say if I do speak its a waste of time because you dont listen so why bother. He turns around and says there you go blaming it on me. I'm always wrong, its always my fault.
      He just goes n plays victim or assumes stuff.


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  • Tealights

    Your friend is fucked up, there's no fixing him.

    What's going to happen is, he's going to keep getting mad to make you listen to him; that's his way of training you to do what he wants. Every time you apologize or give in to his rants (even though you're just pretending, it's still considered being compliant), you're only letting him know that his constant nagging and bullying is working.

    Either stand by your statements 100% (no pretending) and hang up on his ass or walk away when he gets too out of hand. Or end the friendship.

    The scary thing is, eventually, he's going to try to pressure you for a relationship. Or he probably already thinks you two are dating since he gets highly upset when you do things without him. Be careful, guys like him are crazy and more likely to get aggressive/violent.

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    • I get wat your saying.
      and we always argue about the same stuff, because he always feel some type of way about certain situations. Which i why we argue cuz he doesnt open his mind to the WHOLE situation at hand. He just sees a small part of the situation that upsets him. It annoys me so bad that sometimes I'll start throwing stuff. And then he'll be like why are you acting like that.
      I'll say because you dont fucking get it. Then he'll say, your always blaming me, its always my fault. Blahx3
      See he only paid attention to the part of I blamed it on him, but won't ask well wat dont I get or something like that. So he could actually understand.

      Thats how bad it iratates me. Smh

      And I do stand by way I say and I say the same thing EVERYTIME. After awhile if a person keeps saying the same thing you would THINK they would catch on after time. NOPE not this guy cuz clearly hes stuck on his view and doesnt take in wat I say. Uggh

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      • Tealights

        Then it would be better to end the friendship, because no amount of patiently talking to him over the next 5 years or so is going to make him change. In the end, it's insane for you to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, it'll only break you.

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