How do i manage my sadomasochistic urges?

So currently do not have a partner to participate with. However, not sure how to go about finding a new one without giving of serial murderer vibes. Me finding a partner is like a cat stalking a rat. Which is also how I get when I have a crush. I use to just drink and smoke but I recently stopped drinking and now having a hard time trying to bury my emotions as I usually do. How should I go about ignoring my emotions without substances. I been painfully aroused lately and it's driving me nuts. I did consider doing something by myself to feel pain but that act itself implys something else entirely. I dislike dealing with constant arousal. I don't have anyone to inflict pain upon me though.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • Tommythecaty

    All sounds pretty opposite to a serial killer. Try talking to someone you like and floating hints at the topic, you’ll be able to piece together an answer without having to get an answer. It’s really not that difficult for anyone with an iq higher than that of a brick.

    Ta ta

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  • trulikiru

    used panties russian girls

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  • RoseIsabella

    You need to talk to a therapist, and or a priest! Seriously, it's essential that you talk to a professional.

    Start going to Sex Addicts Anonymous meetings, get a sponsor and work the program!

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    • I dislike sex. Why would I go to a Sex addict place? That sounds illogical. What would a nonsexual person be doing there even? Hi everyone I hate sex but hello!? Also how does abstinence constitute an addiction. I think you are confused what both these words mean Isabella. Sex addicts are people who are frequently having sex. I niether want or are addicted to that. So what exactly would that be doing? Pretty sure a professional understands the difference.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Perhaps you are addicted to pornography, and masturbation.

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        • I do not watch porn or masturbate. Are you perhaps projecting onto others? Since I literally said what I was into. I have no other ideas how you get these bizarre assumptions. Are you a sex addict? Cuase I need solutions to my problems not yours. Are you a troll since I didn't actually take you as one initially.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Have you considered seeing a therapist?

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            • Yes, and it's not an intelligent idea. I don't know if you understand how they work but what you say is not always coffidential. If it includes harm to self or other's it's to be reported. So BDSM would be a big no. Further, me self managing my masochism can be viewed as self harm. Even though for a masochist it's not suicide but more akin to masterbation. Do you understand the dillema? Which is why people with issues like this often avoid shrinks like the plague, as they realize how they are will be punished. Even when they are not actively cuasing any harm. That I simply how it works. We are not free to be individuals. If you are a possible problem you will be punished regardless of auctual crime committed. It's not helpful for fair but it is what it is. I do appreciate your input though.

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  • Kermitthehog

    I'm assuming you mean you like being whipped and stuff? Because there are entire dating sites for specific fetishes like that.

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    • Yes, very much. Having a hard time finding a suitable partner.

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  • Tinybird

    why would you want to feel pain? Not normal.

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    • Because I have sensory issues and my brain doesn't register emotions correctly. I'm generally emotionally numb.

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  • Vvaas

    maybe talk to a therapist or somethin

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    • That equals the nut house. That does not help Anyone does it?

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      • BleedingPain

        It definitely helps the yellow and brown dudes above me on this thread

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        • What is helpful to who now?

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          • BleedingPain

            Therapy is helpful to my brother vaas and kholat

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      • Vvaas

        i thought they only sent u there if you threatened to kill yourself or someone else. what do you like to do? like if you start to have those thoughts you could try to do something to distract yourself, like if you like art you could try drawing/writing or if you like exercise you could do some phslysical activity like running or lifting some weights which could distract your mind

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        • I have been distracting myself but when I get very aroused I can't sleep and I already get very little sleep thanks to my chaotic job schedule. At this point it be nice to just occasionally stab myself to release the endorphins but again that falls under suicidal/self harm area. Even though in my case I'm trying to manage my pain fetish.

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      • KholatKhult

        Helps us not have to deal with your behavior

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        • That is entirely the purpose. I need a better coping strategy apposed to chronic substance abuse.

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