How do i stop myself from overeating?

How doni stop myself from overeating?
I dont overeat by much. I know this since i track my calories. But i overeat enough to where it makes weighloss stupidly difficult. Im on my feet and moving 99% of the day since i work at a gas station. I walk home (about a 15min walk) and exercise on Just Dance for about an hour when i get home. For the most part I eat relatively healthy. Think one egg, two slices of bacon, a coffee with a tiny bit of 2% milk and no sugar, a clementine, and one slice of low calorie toast for breakfast. For lunch i usually eat a zero calorie energy drink, and a chicken salad or a small burrito with chicken or beef, loads of veggies, rice, and cheese, or i usually skip it entirely and drink water and Mio electrolyte juice. For dinner i usually eat the California style veggie mix from Shaw's, stir fried with coconut oil, some sort of beef product, and either rice or homemade mac and cheese.
I portion out my meals and my portions are pretty small but not too small. But this usually ends up giving me a voracious appetite and eating everything that i see. Drinking copious amounts of water doesnt help and the more i try and not think about eating the worse and worse my appetite becomes.
Is this normal?
Any more tips for me about dieting and exercising to lose the weight i need? (I weigh ~200lbs and i need to loose ~70lbs)
Any foods or drinks that can help me feel full for longer?
Any nutrient dense foods and meals that i can cook up for my diet?
Any advice and constructive criticism qould be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Comments ( 18 )
  • libertybell

    Are you taking any medication?
    Some medications can make you extremely hungry.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Examples? I could use some!

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  • howaminotmyself

    Honestly, that looks like a lot of food to me. But I am a small woman. I had a lot of luck with a keto diet. Eat some carbs with your fat and protein in the morning. Something like oatmeal and toast with butter (not margarine) will burn more slowly. Stick to whole fruits for mid morning pick me up. And the best tip I can give you is to eat whole foods. Eliminate processed as much as possible. It's hard, but the consumption of processed foods is why we have so many health problems in this country. Good luck.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Buy only boring food.

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  • libertybell

    There is a medication called Quetiapine, that will make you so hungry, and cause you to gain weight. It is also known as Seroquel. And it doesn't even work. If you're taking that, that is the culprit.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Are you exercising? Don't starve yourself, because starving yourself will only cause you to gorge yourself when you finally eat. You need to eat regular well balanced meals, but meals that are lower in calories.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    You have to eat less. There is no way around it. My simple recommendation would be to just eat more meat as often as you can. Its very satiating. I could make it more complicated but you don't do this typa shit for a living like I do. If you have any questions tho let me know.

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    • raisinbran

      ^ this... you are eating a lot of carbs which is increasing your appetite. Especially the rice and noodles... eat more protein and fat. It works.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Yeah more protein is always good for fat loss. Less carbs and fats. Protein has a higher thermic effect of food and is more satiating. The consensus of the research is that carb vs fat balance does not affect fat loss. If calroies are equal, how you divy it up between carbs and fats does not seem to matter.

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  • The answer is right in your post:

    "But i overeat enough to where it makes weighloss stupidly difficult."

    Seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? Stop putting so much extra food in your mouth.

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  • Lestat565

    A lot of the time dieting doesn’t work. Your likely putting your body in starvation mode. This not only makes you want to binge eat it also can make you fat because your body storing all the fat it can since it doesn’t know when it’s going to get a good meal. But I stress that you don’t take what anyone on here says as the facts that includes me. If you want real advice go to a real doctor. Not a bunch of assholes on the internet

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      If dieting doesn't work, it doesn't count as a diet. If you are consuming less calroies than you burn, you lose weight. If you don't lose weight in a calorie deficit, you are dead. Starvation mode(as in the theory that calories can be so low that yoir body stores fat even in a deficit) is debunked. Don't take my word for it I can link some shit. You aren't wrong I'm just clarifying.

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      • Lestat565

        I welcome the links. That’s why I said that they should talk to a real doctor because any one of us including myself could be wrong or talking out of our asses. Please do send some links

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Alright. I mean I do think I know more about this than most people, but still not enough to where people should take my word directly like you said.

          Starvation mode :

          Calorie balance clarfied : (including why it always works)

          I would definently recommend this guy Layne Norton for nutrition info. Studies for everything he says and a PHD in nutritional science.

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          • Lestat565

            I really do appreciate the links. I don’t like spreading misinformation.

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            • Doesnormalmatter

              Neither do I. Especially on health and fitness because It can fuck people up. There are people out there who are selling like fruit juice and shit saying it cures cancer and to AVOID mainstream chemo treatments and stuff and take their shit instead. Fucking scum bags!

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  • paramore93

    How are you sleeping? Lack of sleep can make you more hungry than usual.

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  • cipro

    Are u on any meds? do u have hypothyroidism?

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