How do i tell horny christian that not everyone wants sex all the time?
So I have a horny Christian freind. Who keeps insisting that Jesus wants everyone to find a mate or several and have lots of sex. As an asexual I find this obnoxious. Also, the church has actually always encouraged abstinence or no sex before marriage. Which I am single and not married and don't ever plan to marry. So from a Christian/Catholic point of view I should be able to say it's the Christian thing to do. Than they insisted that priests molest little boys because the church made them vow to not have sex. Which is a fucked up conclusion because pedophiles are not just super horny. Also doctors have said that predators such as serial killers, rapists and molesters have something wrong with them mentally. How do I tell them this in a way they can understand, since Christian speak isn't working and usually it does with Christians. Should I just start talking in only scriptures till they get the point?