How do i tell my parents i want to cast spells and perform rituals?

So currently I’ve been wanting to do a ritual to cast a spell, I’d never cast bad spells. But I just want to cast spells like “Bring me fortune” or “Make my penis grow an extra inch” stuff like that.

Only I need candles and I’m to young to go buy candles on my own so I’d need my parents to get me candles for my ritual. I’m not crazy I swear, I just want to try it out.

How do I tell them I wanna do it though? What if they think I’m insane?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • ‘Tis candles I need my dear mother,
    To grow my penis like no other.
    So buy me candles please dear father,
    With my fortunes you’ll be no bother.

    Then wiggle your nose and blink a lot, never fails.

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  • QueenLilith

    LED candles are your friend.
    The powers that be don't give a flying rat's ass if you have all the "proper equipment" or not. All you need is intent.

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  • lordofopinions

    What you are dabbling with is pagan rituals. You should check around for some pagan groups in your area and get properly trained. Join a coven if you can. Many people that are not familiar with paganism think covens are evil but all they are is a gathering of like minded pagans to perform rituals. Most pagan paths celebrate the equinoxes and have sabbats between the equinoxes (which are also called sabbats). Confused yet? Find a pagan group to join and learn. I'm Wicca by the way. :)

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    • Nickvey

      get properly trained. I like that . what the hell is proper paganism ? is there a wrong way to conjure up a demon? demon shows up and demands to see your journeyman's card ? oh yea he was using a frozen chicken from homeland . or you get two demons at the same time. I double dipped a chip. I birthed a demon last night , must of been those two burritos .

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  • e51pegasi

    You need a starter kit first. A black cape matching top hat & a white tipped stick are a must. Then it wont appear that strange when you start asking for stuff for your rituals.

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  • RavenStarr

    Well unless you want to use them as sacrifices, do they have to know? I wasn't aware candles are restricted items... O_o

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    • Nickvey

      candle use is restricted in my house , everyone is free to leave if they dont like it .

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      • RavenStarr

        Then do it outside

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        • Nickvey

          then buy your own candles, problem solved

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          • RavenStarr

            Why are you telling me? I'm not the OP

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            • Nickvey

              i like it

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  • Nickvey

    Hi mom and dad im a satanist , spend some money on me. thats how you ask.

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