How do kids feel when their mother is an actress who loves being naked?
Do you think that they will get bullied at school?
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Do you think that they will get bullied at school?
Depends if the kids found out or not. If they did they'd get a few jokes im sure.
Just show other kids your naked ass mother pics he be the popular kid !!!! just saying
Kids are little shits and love to pick on eachother. Whether your mother is a camwhore or you fell on your ass after tripping on a banana skin, you'll get bullied in school by other kids.
The trick is to teach your kids how to stick up for themselves when they inevitably get picked on.
If their peers get ahold of that information about their mothers, you best believe it won't be pretty. I feel bad for those kids.
Well, if you're a whore don't expect to be treated like a princess. Not that anything is wrong with being one. But still.