How do we stop the obesity-epidemic?
Yeah, do you have any suggestions on how we can stop the obesity epidemic?
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Yeah, do you have any suggestions on how we can stop the obesity epidemic?
Currently, it's not feasible. This is mostly due to the modern day big-is-beautiful movement that encourages larger people to stay fat. In addition to this, the abundance of fast food restaurants is particularly concerning.
If we were to want to stop the obesity rates, the first thing that needs to happen is to eliminate or change fast food.
Seems people need to be reminded appearance isn't the only reason to lose weight, it's also health and mobility. Either way I think the majority of people (both men and women) dont really find obesity attractive compared to a healthy weight body if they are being honest with themself
In Europe they walk more, bike more and their foods are banned from containing certain toxic ingredients. They're also less stressed because they have more than Americans. They have 5-7 weeks paid vacation by law starting at any job, maternity leave for a year, paternity leave, free healthcare etc
Quit loading your food up with horrible preservatives and other harmful additives like high fructose corn syrup.
The West has beautiful family owned farms and ranches, the ability to import whatever they like, but they feed their people garbage. The red meat consumption is insane. Buy local and eat with purpose and your health will rise
more stricter laws on food companies and processors, tell them to stop putting sugar and additives in every damn piece of food. make real food like fresh vegetables/fruit cheaper than processed junk food full of nasty shit. poor people tend to buy processed food because it's cheaper to feed their families, a box of chicken nuggets full of processed crap is cheaper and lasts longer than a fresh piece of meat which is why people tend to go for processed junk than fresh and healthier food items.
No. That's authoritarian.
What's so wrong with going with the old system of if you cant pay you cant get treated?
That's why I'm not in support of universal healthcare. I dont want to pay for your problems. Everyone pays for their problems.
Yes your money is going towards someone else's care, but at the same time your costs are lowered too.
Honestly, we need to cut insurance companies out completely, and pay hospitals and pharmacies directly. Set lower cost prices for everything and have installment plans if you cant afford up front.
Everyone deserves to get treated. No one deserves to die cause they cant pay for the treatment/surgery/medecine.
That would be fucking hilarious. I know so many fat asses that would rage out
Won't happen. To many people can't put down the food. As Bill Burr said "You ate your way there, you can walk your way out".
make healthy food options more ACCESSIBLE and GOOD. why do you think asians are so skinny? When they need something to eat, thats cheap and convenient, they have healthy options rather then mcdonalds or wendys or something. They do have fast food, but by no means is it the same quantity and their portion sizes in general are much smaller. In countries like Korea its just as cheap and convenient to get rice with side dishes and a soup with healthy shit in it. its that easy. You can't change people but you can change the options.
Diet, and exercise are the answer. Yes, I have not mastered these skills, but they still are the answer.
I think there needs to be some age awareness put on the fat problem as well. Especially in the USA, if you are over or under 40/50 years of age it creates different problems.
Imo, fast food is the major factor. Too many parents working too many hours just find it easier to get fast food for them and their children 7 days a week. They are not only effecting their own health but endangering their children's.
For those over 40 or 50 it's mainly just your health. There are some situations for elderly that it might be beneficial to have a few extra kgs. If you get sick you you can lose 15 kg pretty easy. However overweight is still bad on heart and your circulatory system.
I expect the average life span without medical intervention will drop extremely with-in the next 10 or 20 years.
Fat people are more profitable than skinny people. Make the opposite true and things will improve
I think if people had shorter work hours (especially for non-physical jobs like sitting in an office) then people would also have more time and energy left for exercising and cook a healthy meal, which could help a lot. But people also have to be personally motivated, and most obese people I have met aren't (they may want to lose weight, but aren't willing to make effort on an everyday basis).
I also think many people have too high threshold for exercising and need to be reminded (unless you are physically handicapped) you do not absolutely need a gym to work out and stay active, nor do you need to be outdoors every time (like if people skip jogging or bicycling due to bad weather, they should find an alternative)
Better diets, meaning less meat, sugar and dairy, and more fish, fruits and vegetables. That along with more exercise, less riding and more walking