How do you amish have sex

Does anyone know how Amish are allowed to have sex are they allowed to be naked with each other and look at each other or how are they supposed to have sex does anyone know what I mean is are they allowed to be naked or is he just supposed to put it inside of her pussy and cum or can they play

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Comments ( 3 )
  • normal-rebellious

    There's a restriction on the Amish, man and his wife have to lie down in bed with a post separating them, lust wouldn't be appropriate for the Amish, and if you were a Christian you wouldn't ask this sinful question.

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  • litelander8

    So it’s called “soaking” but google will do all of the details for you.

    Be well, pervert.

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  • Me4pussy

    If they are not allowed to have sex would the girls be allowed to masturbate and the boys to jack off or is that not allowed as well

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