How do you deal with a suicidal atheist?

As an Atheist you do not believe in god. I have a friend who is one and is suicidal over it. They think life is pointless and since there is no after life no point in living.

I have a very similar(not exactly the same) mind set based on a functional view of exsistance. I still seem to be happier than this person though. I am not sure what to tell them but they often get this way. So how do you cheer a person like this up?

My view is more based on How everything happens and not why. So I really don't care if god exists or not I more and focused on how the world functions.

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Based on 24 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • I don't think his atheism is why he is suicidal. He is probably depressed about other things and blames his beliefs. Sometimes people don't know why they are depressed.

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  • jeebley

    If you don't believe in an afterlife, isn't that even more reason to value and hold on to the one you do have?

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    • thegypsysailor

      Absolutely; I couldn't have said it better. Good job.

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    • It is.

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  • Holzman_67

    that's quite a bewildering thing, a suicidal atheist.

    Atheism has given me more reason to live in the here and now, because I don't believe in the hereafter. I'd be more prone to suicide if I believed there was a superior plain of existence after this one.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I agree with Bugs. If his atheism was the reason for his depression, then there would be a lot of depressed and possibly dead atheists out there. Did he tell you that this was the cause or are you just assuming? Ask him. There are most likely other factors at play here that are causing his depression.

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    • When I tried to say there was hope they said that religion is all wrong and so whats the point.

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      • Avant-Garde

        That's just him. I doubt highly that his views on mortality reflect the views of all atheist. They certainly don't reflect mind. Then again, I probably the more unusual type of atheist due to my beliefs in New Age concepts and Mysticism. I do believe in the concept of the soul as well as sprits and demons (etc.) The "Afterlife" is probably just on another plane or dimension. Tell your silly friend, that he should make the most out of his mortality while he is still alive. If there are no souls and no life after death, he should be living for the now and trying to make some kind of impact on society. Besides, if he does kill himself over this, he'll just reinforce the negative image over non-christians.

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        • I never said anything about all atheists. I clearly stated its my friend. Also the making an impact thing is what I told him! I said we need to stay alive and try to make the world better place.

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          • Avant-Garde

            I see. If he won't really talk to you, maybe he could talk to a professional?

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    • Tommythecat.

      There are a lot of depressed and possibly dead atheists out there.

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      • Royalburden

        There are a lot of depressed and possibly dead Christians too.....and Muslims, and Jews, etc. Fuck there are a lot of depressed and dead people in general. Religion or lack thereof doesn't have much to do with it.

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        • Tommythecat.

          I know, but you implied there wasn't when Infact there are.

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  • Marmalady_pepsi_cola

    Atheist or Christian or Buddhist or Hindu... Religion does not make you become suicidal.. Suicide is the feeling of low self value and hopelessness it doesnt matter what religion you are. I am Christian but i have attempted suicide several times, i am fine now but i understand what it is like. Maybe just try being a good friend and let the person vent to you, that is what they might need. If you push them to hard with religions it maybe drive them over the edge

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    • I never said anything about them all being Suicidal but this one is for that reason. Also Christianity says that Suicide is a sin.

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      • Its not like I asked "Why are all atheists suicidal".

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    • Avant-Garde

      I agree.

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  • biaj

    Why not just give him a motivation in life? i have a similar point of view. if i ever thought that there was definitly no god id probably just kill myself 2. if i die today who cares and if they do they will die then nobody will care. just give him motivation to live thats all he needs n he will be fine. make his life better than what it is... or less pointless.

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