How do you explain you do not like somebody?

So some people have this wierd logic that if they have a crush on you that its 100 percent reciprocated. Even if it is not at all. I have this freind who apperently likes me and keeps trying to flirt. I asked them to stop and they shrugged it off as "Oh ya just playing, you know you love it". Than later justify it as "I joke with all my freinds like this". They also have a personal space issue. Which normally I would not be terribly bothered by if it did not follow the other behaviors. Such as trying to give me a massage or hug me constantly. Than they say I am just someone who needs affection and to accept the sexual harrasement. I think this person might just be a bit slow in the head. So whats a good way to explain this to a slow person?

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Boojum

    You might want to ask yourself why you continue to spend time with this person if they're constantly pushing at your boundaries and making you feel uncomfortable. If you've made it very clear by words and actions that you don't like what they do and they refuse to respect that, then avoid being with them.

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  • LloydAsher

    I say: "I dont like you, please go away"

    You can be civil and still say that you dislike them to their face.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i say 'bitch you ugly'

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    • Hookerfall

      How do u know its a women they're talking about u retard

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        Bitch you ugly can be said to a man too.

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    • Hahahahaha donteatstuffoffsidewalk thanks for the 😅 laugh

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  • RoseIsabella

    Eat lots of spicy ethnic foods, then fart up a storm whenever the harasser comes near you.

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  • Somenormie

    Tell them as it is, be honest with them.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I use “win” statements “when you _____, i feel _____, i need you to ____” i also second what Boojum said.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Restraining order threat....or a punch in the face and a body slam would be my go to move...

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Tell him you no longer want to be friends. If this is how he treats his friends. Say that you will not put up with this, and unless his behavior drastically changes (he actually starts respecting your boundaries), you cut all ties with him. Block him on social media, don't invite him anywhere, don't meet up with him. Radio silence.

    If you have to see him for work and he keeps treating you this way, report him to your boss/manager person or HR. If he is your boss, resign. If you are currently living with him (if he is a roommate), move out. If this boy is a classmate, report him to the school board or teaching staff. This counts as actual bullying and sexual harassment.

    You do not have to put up with this neanderthal behavior. (If he still comes near you after you have verbally explained that you do not want to be his friend, then you use self defense as a last resort: punch him in the nuts, hard. Make him cry like a baby.) But let's hope it don't come to that.

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  • raisinbran

    Smear dog shit in your hair.

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  • Hookerfall

    I guess they're a desperate animalistic degenerate incel who has never had sex and lives in their mommas basement and wants to stick their fugly slug looking cock in anything with a pulse

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  • YE

    Feign an allergic reaction whenever they're around you.

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  • Start laughing like a maniac whenever they approach. Don't stop until they're thoroughly turned off.

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