How do you feel about prostitution?

Should a person have the freedom to sell their body as they please? Or is prostitution not acceptable in any circumstance? Comments to further your views are always welcome.

A person has the right to sell their body as they please 379
It is wrong in any circumstance 92
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Comments ( 85 )
  • Who are the goverment to say that people aren't allow to be prostitutes? They have no right saying what people are allowed to do with their bodies and what they aren't allowed to do.

    What about porn? Surely it's the same thing, only they are recording it?

    What if if you pay for a prostitute and the law come barging in but you've set up a camera to record the sex you were about to have, would they be allowed to arrest you? You could use the excuse "I've hired her to make a porno with me".


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    • Mparr

      My dad always said marriage is like prostitution. You basically get stuff that you want/need for sex.
      Also prostitution is legal for a lot of places in Europe. Even my home country of England allows prostitution. The is a state in the us that fully allows hookers. Many People who have no skills or need cash quickly do it. Many prostitutes make 400 pounds an hour. They get tested for STDs once every couple of days to once every week. It hurts no one (unless that's what your into) if any thing prostitution is safer than being in the armed forces and that's legal.

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      • Is your dad a Marc Rudov fan?

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    • Lynxikat

      Eh, not sure about the prostitute thing, but I agree with the double standard thing.

      There's really not that much of a difference between paying someone to have sex with you and paying two people to have sex with each other so that it can be recorded on camera and distributed to others :/

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      • Mparr

        Or buying a random chick some expensive drinks and chatting her up for couple of hours on the off chance you might, in a technical sense, bone like animals

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    • marron

      Got to say, I think ItDuz has a point.

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    • FrancoisDillinger

      I completely agree.

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    • iheartbrady

      call me ignorant for not explaining myself but you ma'am are an idiot

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      • firstly, I'm male.
        Secondly, I'm not an idiot, my point is a good one, which is why there are eleven people that agree with me and only you that disagrees.
        So no, I won't call you ignorant for not explaining yourself, I'll call you an idiot.

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        • iheartbrady

          the ma'am was to agrravate you and it doesnt matter how many likes you have and dislikes i have. you could have a bunch of likes from rapists and pedofiles so you should be fully aware to not depend your arguements on likes. You live in this country assuming you live in America and you live under the government so you must listen to the government. no they shouldnt be allowed to do anything unreasonable but having prostitution banned in 49 states i believe, is not unreasonable and yes you live in a free country but people dont really understand what that means(YOU CANT DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT WHENEVER YOU WANT TO DO IT). you think you could run an std clean prostitution clinic but i assure you its not that easy. Prostitutes would do it on their own(not employed by any prostitution company) and companies would lie about girls with stds. I guess its easier to control in nevada since it is infact only one state to worry about but the second it is legalized in a bunch of states whatch and see how unemployment rate go up when all people do is buy prostitutes like hobos spend their money on drugs and booze along with the rise of stds no matter how clean you think you could keep the prostitutes. crime would go up from stealing young girls and boys to sell their bodies. and no it wouldnt help the economy too much because strippers would become prostitutes as their day job so that would make jobs for employed people not the unemployed. and porn is no where near the same thing as prostitution. NO WHERE CLOSE but that is a whole other topic in itself

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          • ...I.m going to start this off with basically telling you how much of a moron you sound and how there really wasn't any point in making a reply that long if all you were going to do is make yourself look like an even bigger moron.

            Pedophiles and rapists? Yes, because that as a really rational way to think about it. "Oh yeah? People agree with you? They're just a bunch of pedofiles and rapists". What a moronic thing to say.

            I live in Britain.
            What? Legalizing prostitution would raise crime...What? Would make unemployment? You compare prostitutes to drugs? What? Ugh, I honestly can't believe I am even replying to your comment. Infact, I think you looked more intelligent when you said that you weren't going to explain it all. Now that you have, you just look like a fool that doesn't know what he's talking about.

            "Stealing young girls and boys"...-Sigh- I'm not going to go into that, it just is a completely stupid thing to say.

            "Companies would lie about prostitutes with STDs" well, then they would get sued for lying, which happens in all companies if lied to. What the hell are you talking about a company anyway? You think that people want a business of it happening? They would be doing it of their free will.
            Do you think only prostitutes have STDs?~

            What are you talking about strippers would become prostitutes? There is a difference between the two, and to be honest, alot of them wouldn't become prostitutes. What a stupid thought to think that exotic dancing can be easily linked to prostitution.

            If you can't understand how Porn and protitution are closely linked together, you're a fool.

            I honestly can't believe I even replied to your comment. If you reply to me in such a way again that I just think is stupid, I won't continue the conversation.

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            • Mparr

              Dude i live in england too. Hookers are legal. Pimps are not. Just saying.

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            • iheartbrady

              ok its set your the guy who doesnt budge on not only his opinion but bad ways of reasoning (not a compliment) So all I can say is watch and learn because i am not going to go into more depth and i am not saying that because i cant

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          • Mparr

            I think you are a troll. Rapist and paedophiles dont hire prostitutes so why would they have any interest?

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    • UnrecognizableMan

      The government definitely have the right in saying what people are allowed to do with their bodies. Just like children need parents to tell them not to drink bleach.

      But I agree it's a double standard with the porn and prostitute thing.

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      • I wouldn't put the government and parents in the same category. The government's concern for it's citizens and the parent's concern for it's child are truly incomparable. Just my 2cents

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        • UnrecognizableMan

          That's true, you choose your government because they are the best and most able to help you. You don't choose your parents.

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      • There is a difference between children drinking bleach and full grown adults choosing something they want to do that wouldn't make their life in any lethal danger.
        Children need guided and don't have the intelligence to know the risks of drinking bleach.
        Full grown adults know the risk of catching STD's it's their choice to take the risk because they know of the risk.

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        • UnrecognizableMan

          Full grown adults can have addictions, breakdowns, depression, suffer dramatic or stressful experiences that would make them make irrational decisions. When a society knows whats better for a person than the individual it is their responsibility to intervene. And since the government is the spokesperson of society, they are the ones who set laws about what you can or can't do with your own body.

          It is understandable that prostitution will be illegal when it is typically thought of for as a means for someone with a drug addiction to fuel that addiction.

          Personally I think legalizing prostitution but closely monitoring it would be the best way to make sure prostitutes are deciding rationally.

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          • That may be, there is still a huge difference between prostitution and being an addict. One can be life threatening to you, while the other isn't.

            There are many things in your average life that is far more harmful and riskful than prostitution, why hasn't the goverment banned such things?

            I think the main reason is that they wouldn't get any money out of it, so it's deemed as a bad thing to do.

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            • UnrecognizableMan

              I'm pretty sure the government would get money out of prostitution. If pimps make money doing it, I'm pretty sure the government will.

              However, I can see a few reasons why it isn't yet legalized. Firstly because it wasn't so long ago that hardcore porn was illegal, and still extreme porn is illegal. Changes from a little porn to legal prostitutes don't happen overnight.

              Another reason is although many don't object to it being legalized, I think the number would significantly increase if the question was opening up a brothel next door.

              But mainly, I think the religious population is too high, and the prostitute using population too low, for any politician to think its worth any votes.

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          • od4us2

            Prostitution has been with us since the beginning of time and it will always be with us. Making it legal and insiting that prostitutes, both male and female, have regular SDI check-ups makes the most sense to me. If everyone got more sex there would be no wars.

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  • Wyim89

    Government should just make it legal, require them to get clean (STDs, drugs, what not) then tax the whole thing! Everyone wins.

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    • True. It's already a huge underground business, regardless of it's legality...why not make it legal and profit from it? It's not like whorehouses don't exist already.

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  • KuhnLover

    Just think if prostitution was legal how many more cases of STD and Aids there would be!!

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  • geofrey333

    George Carlin said it best. "Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isnt selling fucking legal"?

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  • ben10

    thats a lot of text

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  • Tentacleblah:

    My government crap? It's because of government that people like you are allowed to vomit up their opinion without fear. You should thank the government.

    In a national documentary I was watching they talked about how many go to see prostitutes to talk about problems, hold one another, converse etc. Very rarely is it simply sex.

    They're looking for something but the desire is never fulfilled. Hence why they keep going back.

    And by extension 9 out of every 10 prostitutes in Europe are victims of human trafficking.

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    • tentacleTherapist

      Huh? You can't read a three-syllable word? Ouch. What's wrong with "vomiting my opinion without fear"? Sure it can get me in trouble, but in my mind, do I REALLY give a rat's ass?

      And personally, I don't care. I do appreciate the government, but by how you sound it's as if you're a communist. Oh and yes, prostitutes (well. Most, I should say) are trained to discuss and talk with the clients about their problems. Like an open journal/diary, or a therapist.

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  • I think prostitution is just bad and shouldn't exist but I dont make the rules. people do, and if they want they will. nothing I can do about it. Sad, cold truth.

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  • Well, I consider it like modelling. Models sell their body, but through photographs, prostitutes sell their body through sex. Same thing, different circumstances.

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  • dom180

    Prostitution should be legal but very closely controlled. Lisense should be held by prostitute, prostitute should be over 21, prostitite must work alone (not part of an agency or tied to a pimp) and so on. Number of prostitutes in a certain area must be controlled, there must be minimim payment laws, there must be STD checks, drugs checks, a maximum number of hours work a week.

    There should be a right to prostitiution, but I have always said that I believe protecting people is more important that protecting rights. We should allow prostitution with the highest possible level of control, because the vast majority of prostitutes are forced into that position somehow or other (it isn't exactly a desirable profession).

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    • wigsplitz

      Agencies would work a LOT better than forcing everyone to work alone. An agnecy can offer a lot for the prostitute, as well as make it easier to keep an eye on things such as keeping licenses current, keeping up with health checks, paying taxes, etc.

      If everyone had to work alone, how is anyone going to know exactly who is licensed and who isn't (both customers AND cops)? Where are they 'working' from? The street? A motel room? Their own home? That's all terribly unsafe for everyone. If you're worried about money, then why not say that an agency can only take a certain %, and so on?

      Are you going to trust that a lone prostitute reports ANY of her income? Who's going to make sure she does, and how would you be able to prove she reports it all? With an agency, they'd be more inclined to keep records and pay their taxes (otherwise lose their business!!).

      Why drug test them? I don't get that at all. That's giving a lot of power to the gov't. I don't see why you'd want to drug test prostitutes more than, say, a lawyer.

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      • dom180

        I've done some thinking about agencies as an idea, and maybe you are right about them. But there would be a limit set on how much an agency could take as commission. That was what I was mainly concerned about, and I guess it would be best to control it rather than dismiss the whole idea. Although I hate the turn of phrase, we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

        Why drugs test them? I don't know personally, but I'd presume a prostitute is much more likely to be on drugs than a lawyer is.

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        • wigsplitz

          But a prostitute doesn't have the same responsibilities or duties to the citizens as a lawyer does. Of all the licenses one can hold, prostitution is the last one I'd care about drug testing for.

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          • dom180

            I'm trying to look after the interests of the prostitute her or himself. It isn't a case of protecting the client or the wider community, it is a case of protecting the individual prostitute. That is a theme that runs throughout my stance on prostitution.

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            • wigsplitz

              So those who can't or won't pass a drug test do what exactly? Not prostitute? Ha. That's counter-productive. The ones who can't/won't get off drugs obviously are going to still prostitute illegally and be exploited by a pimp (and everyone else) because they're stuck in the underground world of prostitution.

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      • Great point, wigsplitz

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    • Mparr

      Thats the uk prostitution terms. Seriously look it up. No pimps. No Kids.

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    • tentacleTherapist

      Hm. I both agree and disagree with points in here. You say it should be controlled but I'm assuming the government is embarrassed by this anyways.

      Here are my thoughts.

      1.Prostitute should be over 18

      2.Prostitutes SHOULD have the OPTION to work together; NOT to a pimp but with other prostitutes. It's safer that way.

      3.Payment laws I disagree. People have the right to spend whatever they want (or are asked) to.

      4.Drug checks I don't think are necessary. STD checks oh hell yes BUT. WHY drug test the prostitutes when whoever they're fucking could have given them the STDs in the first place? I say the buyers/takers should get checked. Not the prostitutes themselves. Assuming they're clean already.

      5.The biggest concern with prostitution is safety. Obviously if you're taken by a pimp you're basically 'dead' already (unless he 'takes care' of you). And who knows who you're going to be with in one night? You don't know what their intentions are, they could kill you.

      Overall I agree. Well actually, there are some people who run er...not industries exactly, but small buisnesses where they sell out the girls to men (usually they're pretty well endowed in the financial area), in exchange for money. Obviously. Same thing, only these girls don't go on the streets. Too dangerous. The...'owners' of the industry are by no means pimps, just normal people helping those girls get money. They offer the positions up to men (who approached who's irrelevant) and make the deal, case closed. It's actually much safer, but it's the same as prostitution. If only things could stick like that.

      Now when you're FORCED into prostitution that's uh. Obviously the worst thing. But eh, some people do enjoy the job.

      Sorry if everything I said makes no sense at all.

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      • dom180

        It did make sense. I thought the last bit was especially interesting. I think I've heard a bit about arrangements like that before, although it doesn't solve the problem of why prostitutes resort to that industry in the first place (normally poverty and drug abuse). I think we have the same general thoughts, or at least motives behind thoughts, with slight differences.

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    • ariannel

      You have the right of it. I wholeheartedly agree.

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    • chicken471bologna

      18 should be fine for being a prostitute. Because that age is when you are legally an adult.

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      I agree with you but what do you mean by "minimum payment laws"? If you mean the prostitutes should pay some extra tax to be one, then you must first realize that many many prostitutes do that job because they are in poverty in the first place. :P

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      • dom180

        On the contrary, I meant customers to pay them MORE to get them out of poverty. Tax rates would be the same as any other job.

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

          Well I don't know about that, but I just think the rich should be taxed more and then the government can provide financial aid to low income earners that way instead. Also higher costs could turn customers away.

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        • wigsplitz

          Well you have to make doing it legally, attainable....otherwise you'll have a huge gap of legal, expensive prostitutes and illegal, everyday prostitutes with nothing in-between. You won't solve any problem.

          The mission can't be to get them out of poverty, they already make more than the minimum-wage worker, typically. No prostitute charges less than $10 (no less than the smallest bag of dope) a pop, and I guarantee they're not working an hour for that $10. The minimum wage is less than $10 an hour here.

          There's so many facets of this industry....what it would take to be reasonably legal and 'perfectly' legal are 2 different things.

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          • tentacleTherapist

            I wonder what makes more, prostitution or strippers? And you're right. While some prostitutes do it for...well I can't think of a reason they do other than 1)it's apart of a fantasy of theirs or 2)they need the money.

            If it's 1), they most likely do it all the time, unless something else.
            If it's 2)Then well, prostitutes DO get paid a lot, enough to last them a week depending on what they spend it on or even a month, if you don't have heavy burdens to pay. Saving the money seems like a best option though.

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            • wigsplitz

              Some strippers make more than some prostitutes and vice versa. Some strippers are prostitutes too (but don't ever assume that!!).

              Many of them do it because of drugs, criminal history (or any other reason that basically bars them from legit employment). For some, they make so much money a regular job would be a step down. Some just like the easy money.

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          • dom180

            I'm probably making myself look a bit silly by acting as if I know the ins-and-outs of the industry (quite clearly I know very little about). But, while a prostitute may make more than minimum wage already, I doubt a prostitute works more than a few hours a night at best. I have no idea, obviously, and if I'm wrong I'm probably expressing my naivity pretty well. But if that was the case then per hour they might earn more, but per day they might earn less UNLESS the industry had specialist minimum wage laws.

            "... you'll have a huge gap of legal, expensive prostitutes and illegal, everyday prostitutes with nothing in-between. You won't solve any problem."

            Forgive my density, but why does this not solve a problem? What issues does it present?

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            • wigsplitz

              They work as much as they want or need to, which could be once a week or 18 hours a day. Not all of them can charge $200 or more for sex, many it's $20, so how much they work depends on how much they can charge and how much money they want or need.

              What I meant by the other statement is, you can't make it too hard to do it legally or be too unrealistic (the drug testing and having to be 21, for example).

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    • UnrecognizableMan

      Uh...and the most important requirement. The prostitute should be legally required to be at least a 7 on hot or not. I don't want no uglies walking the streets in my neighbourhood.

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      • tentacleTherapist

        While I found this funny it was also somewhat mean, ahaha.

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  • BoredGuy

    i want women to pay me to have sex with them instead.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    People can do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies, see if I care. Just so long as they have to use protection.

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  • sega31098

    It is wrong in any circumstance, BUT, legalizing and regulating it may be a necessary evil.

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  • spidercrowblaze18762

    FUN! Whenever my girlfriend is not in mood of having sex, i just go and fuck some hot whore, without my girlfriend's notice...LOL, I know thts wrong, but i cnt control myself whenever im excited!

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  • Austalien

    I wish gals wanted to pay me for it :-) It's legal in Australia and really safe my cousin get's one a week so been to a couple and they are really nice people.

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  • Sillygoose

    A person should do whatever they feel like, even if it is causing harm to them. It's their choice, and nobody else but past experience and ethics should impede on what that person is doing.

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  • Fatcat76

    Prostitution should be legalised. There's always a demand for sex. If the industry was properly regulated then it could provide a much needed revenue stream for the government. People are always going to use prostitutes so why make it seedy? Clean up the industry and everybody's a winner.

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  • Pavleen

    I dont know about other countries but here in my country, young boys and girls are forced into prostitution. Infact their parents sell them for money. If u enter or even pass by one of those red light areas, u'll see misery, poverty,dirt and foul smell. These people cant even afford good quality condomns and the babies they give birth to then have to live in such places.Its a horrible sight.I feel so bad for those children. Maybe that is the reason government has banned protitution in my country. But on the other hand if u choose to be one, noone has the right to tell u anything.

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  • calthropstu

    Ideal situation is legalized brothels.
    After reading the comments here it looks like most people agree it should be legalized and I agree.
    The advantage of a legalized brothel is the brothel can be required to test for STDs in both their clients AND their employees. They can keep a detailed list of what clients had relations with what employees and as soon as a weekly test showed up positive everyone could be very quickly notified.
    Taxes would work exactly as normal jobs would, the pay would be standardized, and the risk minimized. Agencies and brothels could easily keep track of when and where diseases spring up and can alert authorities as needed. It would be far safer and much better than the current illegal system.

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  • Jeshua

    Its harder for the government to tax prostitution same thing with weed and many other drugs so they make it illegal

    Porn is taxed and so is alcohol,which is a substance in its own right. Taxes the government wants to be the pimp lol

    Uncle sam wants YOU to get your ass on that corner bitch lmao

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  • tentacleTherapist

    Personally, I don't feel it's right. Thanks for bringing this topic up. Stripping is a better option, you're not harming yourself! Still, I agree with MarieWantsIt (LOL lovely name), I've had quite a few fantasies about that. ESPECIALLY because I like older men, God do you know how hard it is to find a nice natural pedophile like Humbert Humbert?!

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  • Prostitution is the expression of futility in the sexual world. They desire love but they'll never find it nor ever be satisfied just as a man drinking salt water will never be satisfied. It should be forbidden.

    You say, "Society can't tell individuals what to do with their bodies!"

    Why not?

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    • Ibelievethis

      Why not you ask? because it is their bodies !

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    • tentacleTherapist

      You seem very government bound. Let people do whatever the bloody fuck they want.

      And you don't know that. Some prostitutes/johns don't want love, they just want the body. Now for the ones that DO want love, sucks to be them.

      I said in a different post, "Fuck you". Yep, I agree. You're growing increasingly irritating with your government crap.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Well let's face facts prostitution is the one of the oldest proffesions in the world, and personally I do not have a problem with it. I would do it if I had exhaused every other avenue. At least they are earning their own money. Might as well be honest here as noone knows who I am " I have been paid for sex,not as a prostitute but after a 1 night stand well I suppose it was prositution (he gave me £ 90.00,)sorry but I am so much in love with money that when it comes to it I have very little morals x

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    • tentacleTherapist

      At least they're pretty enough and active not to be on welfare.

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      • wigsplitz

        HA!! Pretty? HA!! Some are, but most aren't.

        And a good lot of them are on welfare/assistance. Why wouldn't they be? Their income is untraceable. Why spend cash on rent and food? Fuck that.

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  • bananaface

    I honestly don't understand what the big deal is! People make a living through their intelligence, their humour, their appearance. I don't see how doing one of those makes a person superior.

    So why can't a person pay for sex? I don't understand how having sex for money is illegal, it's just an act! Just like any other service, such as hairdressing:L!

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  • I am a prostitute and I believe it is my choice to do what I what I want with my body. If I want three homeless guys triple penetrate me then urinate and shit on me then that is my choice.

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    • dom180

      1) If they are homeless, how could they pay for a prostitute?

      2) If you want it, why make them pay?

      3) If they are homeless, where are you even doing it? A street corner right outside a police car?

      I know you're only trolling, but for God's sake do it with some intelligence.

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      • 1)They get government benefits.
        2)Because I have to earn a living.
        3)Dark alley ways.

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        • tentacleTherapist

          1)Homeless men are attractive and adorable, those poor things!
          2)Exactly, I agree with you.

          This was in no way sarcasm. I like you, Smegmaeater.

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  • sunny_wantsome

    Am confused what to say.. only for the girls who are brought into it for them. Stop "Human Trafficking".

    Watch "The Day my God Died" if you have not yet watched this. If you really want to know how it feels.


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    • tentacleTherapist

      What if you don't believe in God? :)

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      • sunny_wantsome

        It means you have been through a day which made you the way you are now but Hope should not be lost.. Everything happens for good

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        • christophero1973

 everything does not happen for good, ever.

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  • MarieWantsIt

    Doesn't every woman have a fantasy to be a prostitute? We all say, 'A high class one' of course. Being taken by a man who wants you so much that he will pay for you is an incredible thrill.

    I wouldn't do it, but then again, if I were desperate for money and unattached, I just might.

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