How do you feel about the muslims in our countries?

Hear me out before you start with the hate comments. I have had muslim friends in the past, and this does not apply to all of them, but I really have a problem with the attitude of most of them. They expect us to bend over backwards to treat them equally and be tolerant of them in our countries, but you can be stoned to death just for preaching christianity in their countries. They expect us to teach islamic religion in our schools, but we can forget about them teaching christianity in their schools. They want to have mosques in our countries, but any churches in their countries are liable to firebombing and vandalisation. They are perfectly happy to disrespect and insult our religion, but allah forbid anyone draw muhammed or disagree with the quaran Some even want shariah law to be introduced in Britain, and for there to be a call to prayer five times per day in Oxford. In my opinion, if they want us to treat them properly then they had better change the way they treat us in their countries. Am I just a biggot, or does anyone else feel similar?

P.S. I will take any hate comments as proof for what I am saying.

You are being irrational and need to cool down. 27
We need to eradicate them from our countries. 18
They need a boot up the ass. 14
Other (please specify in a comment). 5
They are a bunch of hypocrites 12
They should learn some respect. 16
I have no problems whatsoever with their attitude. 10
You are a blasphemous imbecile. May you die on the spot inchallah. 4
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Comments ( 68 )
  • Any religion taken to extreme is bad. I've known Muslim people and they are not like the stereotypical extremist Muslim. You can see the same things in extremist Christianity. It can be just as bad. Just look at the Westboro Baptist Church and other extremist Christians like the ones at Jesus Camp. Most Muslims are not terrorists.

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    • King_Felix_XII

      As I said, I have had muslim friends, and my observations are not based on ignorance. There are bad 'christians' as well, but if someone was to criticize islam in a newspaper lets say, the chances are they would recieve death threats and insulting messages the following day, whereas if someone was to publish an insulting depiction of Jesus in the same paper, I would be very surprised if any hate messages were sent. My point is that muslims need to learn not to fly off the handle every time they feel minorly insulted by something.

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      • changes123

        That doesn't make sense.

        How do you expect someone not to get annoyed when their beliefs are insulted? What does insulting accomplish???... nothing.

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        • BLAh81

          You've just missed the point entirely. It isn't about insulting AT ALL. It's about the fact that lots and lots of muslims quite often throw an enormous fit, when you don't see other groups doing that. Do you REALLY not see this?

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          • changes123

            Why would anyone "throw an enormous fit" unless they've been insulted?

            "My point is that muslims need to learn not to fly off the handle every time they feel minorly insulted by something..."

            And Felix IS talking about "insulting."

            Hence why I REPLIED with the USELESSNESS of INSULTING and why others might have a similar reaction.

            Do you understand now that I have CAPITALIZED specific WORDS?

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            • BLAh81

              "Why would anyone "throw an enormous fit" unless they've been insulted?"

              That's not the point at all. A hell of a lot of Muslims FEEL "insulted" all the time, whereas other groups (Christians for example) simply do NOT. Can't you see this? Really?

              "And Felix IS talking about "insulting.""

              He is talking about them FEELING insulted. Loads of them FEEL "insulted" all the time, for example, like when that schoolteacher suggested to children that they name their teddybear Muhammad. They wanted her executed for fuck sake!

              Can you imagine Christians reacting a similar way if a schoolteacher suggested to children that they name their teddybear Jesus?

              Now, I am no fan of Christianity (to say the least), but Islam has a chip on its shoulder the size of Godzilla.

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      • BLAh81

        Thumbed you back up. I wonder what spineless weasel thumbed your comment down. They are just facts.

        "Islam" means subjugation, NOT peace.

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        • King_Felix_XII

          Haha! Thanks. I've never actually understood how to 'thumbs down' a comment.

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    • BLAh81

      Yes, there indeed ARE moderate muslims. However, there is NO moderate Islam. I'm not a fan of Christianity in the least, but the threat posed by Islam is FAR greater.

      "Most Muslims are not terrorists."

      But most terrorists ARE muslims. Now why would this be? Because the Qur'an is such a loving book? Besides, most muslims may not be terrorists, there nonetheless still are LOADS of illiterate, wife-beating, ignorant, gay-bashing, camel-fucking, Jew-hating, bearded Allah-worshipping retards who are.

      Islam is the great evil of our time.

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  • Xal

    Muslims are like any other people in that they are all individuals with different thoughts and opinions. That being said, I have never personally met any Muslims that act the way you described. I'm neither saying that they don't exist nor that you don't know of any, simply that I haven't met them. I know a fair share of Muslims and I can understand asking for equality and tolerance. Everyone deserves that much. Of course, I'm not saying that it should be taught in schools because I don't think that any religion should be taught in schools. Anyway, It's important to keep in mind that the Muslims that live in the U.S., or any non-Islamic country for that matter, have no control over how other religions are treated in Islamic countries.

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    • Mr.Hate

      Time to kick some towelhead ass out of our lovely clean EU countries.

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  • Middlefinger

    4. you said: " They are perfectly happy to disrespect and insult our religion, but Allah forbid anyone draw Muhammed or disagree with the Qur'an. Some even want shariah law to be introduced in Britain, and for there to be a call to prayer five times per day in Oxford" i'm sorry, once again and again i need to say you're wrong. Islam is a peaceful religion, a religion of tolerance, religion which upholds human values ​​and oppose the destruction or murder, massive well done or to the individual. There are 5 human rights are highly respected and nurtured by the Islamic religion, the Religion, Life, Treasure, lineage and honor.
    Any person who committed abuses and crimes against five human rights can not be accepted, and Islam give severe punishment to the perpetrators. as the Holy Qur'an says: "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors". Islam prohibits the use of all means to reach their goals. In the atmosphere of a war once, Islam provides guidelines and ethical war: killing people who should not have been surrendered, can not kill the women, the elderly, small children, should not damage the plant, or place of worship. Prisoners of war in Islam is also maintained and treated humanely.
    Therefore, any act of violence, murder or bombings, then the action can not be tolerated, can not be accepted, whoever the perpetrators, whatever their religion. and Islam distance themselves from those kinda actions. and more over, we never insult Jesus (PBUH) by drawing it insane ways. we respect other reliogions, so please respect ours. it's the islamic rule that no one can draw Muhammad (PBUH). Why people can't just respect it? why provoke us?

    5. i know it's started to sound boring, reading my long words. but i need to remind that moslems aren't perfect, Islam is. if you feel that moslems you found was bothering you or people around, then why don't you first take a look other religions that disturb and try to empower the islamic countries, in rude or soft ways, in visible or invisible ways? the non moslem countries kill, murder, torture, massacre men, women and children in weak islamic countries. what's their fault? they're innocent. and did your religion ever tell you to do that? not, of course, right? then why us, who try to run the Islamic rules and laws in purpose to get the best HereAfter day, you don't agree? instead, you put your hands in our religion which is not your rights. Have you read the Surah Al-Kafirun completely? "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion." that's one of its verses.

    6. Never mind the issue of stoning! inheritance law, jihad, divorce, marriage, flogging, amputations, exclusivity of Islam, and other statutes in the Islamic Shari'a (Islamic laws) inseparable from the scorn of liberals whose hobby is tinkering with religious law that has qoth'I (clear, absolute) to get some foods from the hands of the enemies of Islam. Liberals truly heinous behavior is similar to the behavior of the ignorant scribes who have God as described in the Qur'an: "Indeed, they who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book and exchange it for a small price - those consume not into their bellies except the Fire. And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. And they will have a painful punishment." (Al-Baqarah:174).

    Allah the Almighty is All Knowing, All Seeing :) i know i sound boring. but you want the facts, i give you facts. no bad feelings, no bad intentions. you should learn it first, learn with a well-known Islamic person. then you'll understand what Islam really is. it's really faraway from what you thought of.

    "Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe" (Al-Baqarah:6).

    sorry i can't talk more, gotta have my dinner. take care :)

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  • Unimportant

    I think that the problems with Islam, which you are describing, exist in some areas of the world because certain countries mix this religion with politics (or even see them as one thing).

    If we based our constitution on the Bible, we would have a big problem as well, because it's very dangerous to mix religion and politics (partly because religious books are very ambiguous and can be interpreted in many ways).

    Moslims just being moslims - fine. Christians just being christians - fine. XYZ just being XYZ - fine. Any religion as a base for state-approved laws - baaaad.

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  • suckonthis9

    Why are you starting this divisive shit all over again?

    All that you need to do, is to stop dividing everyone in your own mind, and refrain from using these divisive words or terms.

    Then you simply ask the people who insist on being divided from the rest of society; Why are you creating division in society?

    Problem solved.

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    • suckonthis9

      Hint: If there is a group of people, who you might or might not dislike, then discontinue advertising for them.

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      • LittleMissy

        You get my vote for comment of the month.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Bravo, sir!

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  • loopoo

    I agree, you get bad and good, just like you get bad and good in every other race. I'm not sure where about's you live, but I take it you live in Britain, I do too, where I live though we have hardly no muslims, we just have eastern Europeans, who are just as bad. Something needs to be done, they are welcome in our country as long as they abide by our laws and rules. We would do the same.

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    • Middlefinger

      love it

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    • bristexai

      'Muslim' isn't a race.

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      • loopoo

        Okay then, in every religion, and race then.

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  • SuperBenzid

    The problem I feel is that sometimes people are allowed to immigrate into Western society when they have views which are antithetical to Western society. This problem certainly isn't exclusive to Muslims but SOME Muslims are a big part of it numbers wise.

    When you see people walking around with signs saying behead those insult Islam as I have. You realize these people don't believe in integral parts of modern Western society such as free speech, women's rights, religious freedom and gay rights. They are basically fascists and I have to ask why would they be allowed to come to a country in which they have no hope of ever integrating nor desire to do so?

    That doesn't apply to all Muslims though and it applies to some people who are not Muslims.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    I can't believe that many people want to exterminate Muslims from our countries. It's a sad state of affairs.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • King_Felix_XII

      Did I ever mention extermination?

      His Royal Highness King Felix XII

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      • lufa


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  • Get them the fuck out. Only white people are real people.

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    • zxc

      No. brown people are the real people.

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      • GuessWho

        Bullshit! (because shit is brown) ;)

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        • lufa

          and turns white when it decomposes. hah

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          • GuessWho

            By then it stops stinking.

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          • Middlefinger

            oh hahhahahahahahaha

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      • Don't talk shit.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      Brown girls are the best looking in the world.

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      • Some are very hot most certainly, but on average I'll go with whooty.

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  • Middlefinger

    i am proud of being a moslem. and moslems aren't what you think about. if you want to talk about churches bombarding, why dont you see first our people in Palestine, Syria, Myanmar, massacre in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina? they are murdered, everyday. and it's countless. who killed them? not moslems. you know the answer. we moslem have our princple by according to the Holy Qor'an. read it first then you will know. we never force anyone to revert to Islam, why you so confident by thinking we have a hidden mission to get you in Islam? without doing that, Islam is come by people around the corners of the world. it's because they finally know what Islam is and what Islamic laws are, without having to force them. you have to read Surah Al-Kafirun in Qur'an or google, read it completely. and you can prove my words by reading it.

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    • King_Felix_XII

      I admire you for managing to express your point of view so eloquently, and this post, as I said, does not apply to everyone. I will be honest, as a christian I have never read the Qua'ran, so I cannot fairly critisize it. However, all I feel is that muslims need to learn how to respect us in their countries as we do them in our countries. I agree that in some ways the muslims over here can't be held responsible for what happens in their countries, but if they could at least refrain from demands such as a ban on the depiction of Mohammed, imposed sharia law and free islamic religion lessons in our schools. I will read the Surah Al-Kafirun as you suggested, just out of interest.

      God bless,

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      • Middlefinger

        Excuse me but i am here not to debate or make the situation worse. but i'm gladly explaining to you that:

        1. you said " I will be honest, as a christian I have never read the Qur'an, so I cannot fairly critisize it. However, all I feel is that muslims need to learn how to respect us in their countries as we do them in our countries". and thats why the explanation you posted above, i can say it's complelety wrong. because you never read the Qur'an, and the only facts you caught were not on the right track as it should be. so, it leads you to say this (read the next points.... on my new comment)

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  • They are following a false god.

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  • lufa

    I think some muslims can be wonderful people, however the vast majority of them are a danger and threat to our civilization.

    This is because Islam is a mass murdering dark ages fascist totalitarian death cult. Islam takes normal people and turns them into psychopaths, killers, rapists, torturers, liars and criminals.

    How do you know when a muslim is lying to you? The second they open their mouth. Don't listen to a word they say, go study the Quran/Islam from non-muslim sites and read the history of Islam and how muslims have been invading non-muslim countries, stealing their wealth, forcing non-muslims to convert to Islam or live as slaves or are killed. Over 1400 years muslims have slaughtered 270 million people according to the Center for the Study of Political Islam.

    Don't take my word for it, do your own research, then work to protect your nations, ban Islam, deport muslims.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      It's gaining a foothold in the US as they use our laws against us. They've even started pushing for shariah law now

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      • lufa

        Indeed, it's far worse in Europe, they're at a more advanced stage of Islamification. The process is always the same.

        When muslims are a tiny minority, they're in the 'Medina stage', where they pretend to be all about peace, love, tolerance and equality because they are vulnerable and weak. Once they hit 10-20% they begin to aggressively push for more privileges and power. When they hit 30-50% they enter the 'Mecca stage' then vote themselves into power, abolish democracy/freedom, establish Islamic rule then go to war against the non-muslims in their final push to Islamify the state completely.

        At this point they begin forcibly converting and genociding non-muslims or causing them to flee in large numbers-it's happening now in the mideast. In some cases one could become a dhimmi, a 3rd class citizen who live like slaves, have no rights and can be killed at any time. They have to pay the jizya-a poll tax for "muslim protection." It's a good racket, just ask the mafia.

        Sudan used to have only 5% muslims, but through mass breeding, immigration muslims became 50% of the population and began slaughtering non-muslims. This is why we have a north and south Sudan in just a few decades. This same pattern has been happening for centuries and non-muslim populations who don't wake up in time get obliterated. Europe is going through this now and eventually we will too as muslims increase their numbers like a virus growing exponentially.

        Muslims consider land they own/conquered 'The House of Peace' (Dar-es-Islam) and infidel/non-muslims lands 'The House of War' (Dar-ul-Harb) where they must wage holy war (jihad) to convert to an Islamic state.

        So no one should ever buy any of their lies about them being peaceful. Yes as I said before you can find a tiny minority of muslims who are good people, but the vast majority of them support the goals I mentioned above.

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  • imadragon

    In Sweden it's mostly the politicians faults. They are so afraid of being called racist or intolerant of religions, even though they are not racist or intolerant.

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  • copernicus

    so,muslim thinkers, guess how western civilization got from horsecarts to spacecraft within 300 years WHILE ISLAM STAGNATED after FORCEFULLY conquering/invading/colonizing north africa,the middle east and central asia;
    Europe got FREE from religious rule (secular) while the ending caliphate was all about theocracy(which allows little freedom for independent objective discourse).
    so hang onto your primitive hadiths and qurans as you sink further into your medieval superstition.
    muslims arrive here and depend daily upon the millions of technological innovations created by nonmuslims.
    we don't need you-you need us, as you wish to live modern.

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    • Middlefinger

      come on, i'm gonna make it shorter. do you know Ibn Sina/Avicenna? do you know Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas az-Zahrawi/AbulCasis? do you know Ibn Nafis? do you know Al Farabi, which his masterpiece was copied by Thomas Aquinas? Ibn Thufail which his masterpiece was copied by Defoe? do you know Al-Khwarizmi, found the fact about the shape of the earth, before Galileo did? do you know about Ibn Al Haytsam, a pioneer in the field of optics with optical dictionary (Kitab Al Manazhir) long before Roger Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci, Keppler, and Newton, the discoverer of the laws of reflection and refraction of light (long before Snell), inventor of the height gauge pole star , explain the increase in size of the stars near the zenith. do you know Al Mas'udi, published encyclopedia of geography that addresses earthquakes, geological formations, the nature of the Dead Sea, the geological evolution (long before Maghelan and Weber)? do you know that In the western world, Ibn Rushd is known as Averroes, the greatest commentator of the Aristotelian philosophy that influenced Christian philosophy in the Middle Ages, including the kind of thinker St. Thomas Aquinas. Many people came to Ibn Rushd to consult on medical issues and legal issues. and more that you dont know?

      they're all scholars in Islam. History is a fact, and the fact is history. History has proven how the Muslim world has given birth to many classes of scholars and scientists who simply superb in various fields of science.
      They do not require any one, including "patent" or "tribute" each other due to the findings.

      And by the western, sciences were then stolen and patented in the name of each of them for profit. There are so many cultural inventions of an undocumented history of Islam. read, think, speak. :)

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  • Middlefinger

    And also, if you're in free time, you can open this link:

    it's in Bahasa Indonesia. you can translate via google to English.

    worth sharing, worth reading. happy Monday :)

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  • Middlefinger

    2. you said "They expect us to bend over backwards to treat them equally and be tolerant of them in our countries, but you can be stoned to death just for preaching christianity in their countries." ha? are you sure that stoning to death punishment is given for preaching christianity? once again, excuse me, you're wrong. Islam rules it for people who have done free-sex with no illegal relationships. NOT preaching christianity. i know you were really passionate when posted it above but before you throw a single opinion about something, especially about Islam which is my religion and accidentally i saw your post here, you better read it first very well. get the true knowledges about Islam first then come up with your opinion.

    3. Nowadays many people question about the stoning to death punishment. about it, i will tell you some. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered us to do it on people who do free sex. and of course what came out from his lips, was all from Allah the Almighty. the Qur'an says: " Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed" (An Najm:3-4). So anyone who denies the existence of authentic hadith from the Prophet, in essence he's broken to the Book of Allah and the revelation of the sky, he is automatically disbelieves in Allah. do you even know what hadits is? Hadits is all the things the Prophet said and/or did. it's the rule from Allah. and Allah is All Knowing why we must do it. your next questions about why's, ask to someone who has the good manners in Islam. maybe you can find one around you.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      I like free sex so getting stoned for it shows how barbaric you people are.

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      • Middlefinger

        ha? Barbaric? excuse me, who the hell are you calling us Barbaric? you do the free sex like animals and we are the Barbaric? set your mind first before talking especially about other religions. it's case sensitive. you don't know what i mean and you don't even know what you're talking about. so it's a waste of time explaining each point to you because you're brainless in the first place :) HAAAAAAAA!!!!!! do the free sex, get pregnant/get others pregnant, then feed the baby! or have your AIDS. enjoy it. don't ever regret by throwing away your babies or even kill them or regreting the diseases you've got. and you'll never ever can provoke me by insulting. it's me who will set your mind up.

        and as a note: we moslems do not call any others religions as Barbaric. we are moslems but we obey Jesus more than you do. there's a special place in hell for people who insult others, especially in religious cases. and don't expect Jesus to help you there because HE DID NOT DO FREE SEX AND HE NEVER CALLED OTHERS "BARBARIC".

        nice to talk to you :)

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          I'm not brainless. You are for blindly believing an ancient cult just because a book says so lol.

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          • Middlefinger

            so you don't believe in your religions's Holy Book also? oooh that's why your way talking is always pointless. people like you who make this world broken and destroyed without liability. from the way you raised your opinions, i can see you're such a short minded, brainless person and perhaps got no bright future. religion is the only thing that controls us to be better humans each day, if we obey it. but if you underestimate it by living your life using your own rules, no wonder why everything about you is pointless, even your mindset.

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            • GoraIntoDesiGals

              You're retarded for blindly believing fairy tales and how dare you judge my intelligence for not being as retarded as you by not believing the stupid bible? I use my brain so I question and doubt those old books of lies. You blindly believe because mum and dad told you to do so. Lol

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        • Matter_and_Energy

          You're setting a terrible example for muslims.

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          • Middlefinger

            no matter i set it good or bad, if basically you dont like Islam, you cant see the good of it. don't look at me, i am bad. imperfect. see our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). the Light of the universe person.

            and did you do anything nice to present your religion? ask yourself.

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            • Matter_and_Energy

              What I have or haven't done for Islam is completely irrelevant, you're trying to divert the point.

              It does matter what kind of example you set. The more muslims people see making an ass of themselves the worse it gets for other fellow muslims. You become in part responsible for the suffering of others. You also turn away those who would otherwise listen, nobody likes to hear abuse.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    The middle east is part of Asia.

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