How do you feel about the "n" word?

It's a horrible degrading word that should never be used by anyone. 186
It doesn't really matter, but I'm scared to say it. 79
It's ok if black people say it but no one else. 118
I'll say "Nigga" but not the other one. 66
I'll say it but only in a whisper. 14
It's just a word with a bad history. 185
I say it all the time, it's part of my daily vocabulary! 121
It's so overused nowadays that it lost its racist effect. 257
OTHER?! (explain) 48
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Comments ( 91 )
  • Enizzle

    Racism doesn't have a color guys. Blacks are just as racist as whites, we all know it. There are racists, and there are people. Plain and simple.

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    • pooItoy

      totally agree

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    • imtherealmattlewis


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      If your race was oppressed by another race you cant be racist by using "racist" terms towards that race. Thats like a nazi calling a jew racist when the nazi brought the hate on themselves

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      • Enizzle

        No, my dear simpleton. It's like a Jew calling a German racist because of what happened 70 years ago. Grow up, dude. 6 million Jews were slaughtered and they got over it after 70 years, and some black people still hate whitey after 300. I'm not responsible for what happened to your people, neither are the other people that post in this forum. If you want to indiscriminately hate something for reminding you of the past, hate a textbook.

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        • great answer! Enough with this "racial guilt" bullshit.

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  • chucky


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  • firetruck

    I hate being told by a black guy that I cannot say the word. I have enough respect not to say things that hurt other people but I hate being told what to do just because it empowers another to force his rules on me.
    Yes, the words can be offensive, but if it slips out and you beat the hell out of a white guy for accidently quoting a rap song than you're a jerk.

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  • Sabbatha

    I couldn't care less.

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  • i_love_religion...not

    It's similar to the 'F' word: it's fits well into volcabulary of the underpriviledged and uneducated. p.s I HATE FAT JOE!

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    • Cheet0

      Awesome username!

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      • Cheet0

        PS: Whitey here, fully supporting the use by Larry Wilmore the other night @ the WH Correspondents Dinner!

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  • dallyson11

    I am mixed, and if someone call me niger or said what up my nigga, i truly wouldnt, nor do i care. its just a word.yes it has its degrating past, but now a days through black intertaiment and their changing culure the word almost has no meaning.

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  • tylerjosh63

    I think if I was black---honestly--I wouldn't care. Regardless if you were saying it to be racially offensive. I'd be like "yeah I'm a nigger. So're a douchbag" I mean it's just a word-and if somebody gets offended by it...that's a little immature. Plus, I say it to my black friends all the time--they take it light hearted.

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  • I hate it. I'm black and i also hate it when black people use it. The fact the black people use it to each other make white people think that they can use it then selfs. No i find it very degrading. This word was used as a term to degrade black people. I hate when people try to tell me that it doesnt mean that anymore its just friendly. Because its not, its insulting.

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    • Juniper

      Finally, a black person who actually disagrees with that! My white friend and I often wonder why they say that to each other, yet if one of us said it, we'd be called racist. Technically, the word means "ignorant"! Black people of the older generations fought hard so that they wouldn't have to be called that in the streets anymore, and now their kids/grandkids call each other that all the time...sad irony. I also don't agree with how some girls (including white girls) call each other whore as a nickname between friends.

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      • ya-lyublyu-tebya

        Meh, you only call a girl a whore if you're close.
        I'm friends with a Ukrainian girl and we call each other *Kokoshka=Whore* All the time.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Hey, I like that word!

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          • regisphilbin

            Me too I'm gonna start using it lol

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    • imtherealmattlewis

      hey nigga, im with you on this one.

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      • imtherealmattlewis

        see see i put an "A" at the end... not an "ER" so thats okay.

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  • vitamello

    It's only a word. In a nutshell it means absolutely nothing. It really all depends on who you're talking to and how they perceive it.

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  • 343Boy

    I only say the word nigger when I'm talking about the word and its use.

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  • Falafel87

    It's the new "cunt" word. People will get over it eventually.

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  • caoraglas

    black people are racist against whites just as much as whites are racist against blacks. if some guy down the street is racist its not because he's black or white or any other race its because he's him! its about individual people do you think you'l help stop racism by being rasist and catigorizing a whole race!!

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  • clynndgaf

    One of my best friends is black. Everybody calls him that.(:

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  • jamesmom

    Any word that puts down another person, should not be used by anyone regardless of the intent. It goes to show how far people will go to uphold free speech, even obviously offensive racist speech. Don't try to justify racism.

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  • -ilickwindows

    It's like in a group of people, whenever a white person says the N word everyone stares, but then it's okay for black people to say it to each other?

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  • sega31098

    Despite its hurtful nature and effect, it's the best sounding racial slur.

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  • EAT_IT

    Mmmmm yummy! Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho Nacho !!! Delicious with cheese dip :)

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    • RomeoDeMontague


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  • EndlessSuffering


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  • I don't like racism about as much as I hate political correctness. So I'll use whatever words i feel like but it doesn't mean that i hate anyone. We're all people, we're all made equal.

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  • LittleLover

    it is a degrading and insulting term. i would never sat nigga to a black OR white person. There should and IS o ly one race that has been divided up and ruined. the one and only race is and should be the human race.

    p.s i am NOT an animal hater. I LOVE animals.<3

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  • omg chill

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  • Grazr

    It's not the word it's the meaning behind it. People usually say "nigger" to mean something really nasty. Sometimes people use it just for fun, and in good spirits, and that shouldn't be a problem.

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  • itsdrewfoo

    i live in a very ghetto town and everyone uses it but im white and white poeple say it around other white people but if theres a black person u dont say it unless u want to get jumped

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  • RabiesGreen

    The slang version should be considered just as offensive as the word itself. If a black person is just as offended when a white person uses either then I've just proven my case, the slang version serves the same purpose. If a black guy from the past saw this, he'd be appalled even if it were explained that it is used in a different "manner". People also try to keep it alive by giving it another meaning to describe someone for less offensive and more accurate words that already exist, particularly ignorance which is ironic but is more offensive because it combines two insults together: the color of a person and their intelligence.

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  • combatgal856

    I personally do not use the word (I'm black ) because I just do not see the point of calling another person that.the word is used around me in a friendly term and I don't mind that,the same way bitch is used as a joke amongst friends.I think the word is over used like in songs and it just does not sound civilised. But if people find the word offensive then they shouldn't use it

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  • LAW13

    PS- Go to college you undereducated fucking morons who are being racist pigs online. You would not have the nerve to approach a black man and say "NIGGER" so don't do it online. Also, it's called "in-group"- thats the reason blacks can say it to one another. They do it to cope with the pain of it- to take the power away from it. I am embarassed to be white with morons like this online.

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  • ALLoftheabove

    It's f*cked up (I'm black) Whities don't say cuz I'll beat your ass
    I've never used it befor. And never will I think is stupid how people say like it's a joke when it's NOT

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    • imtherealmattlewis

      oooohhhhhh heeellll nooooo fooooo!!!! so its okay to say WHITIES but if i said BLACKIES, how would you feel?! get back to me on this one

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    • pooItoy

      wow, another internet tough guy. Sad for you.

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    I'm a white female and I NEVER say that word.
    I'm not shy about chastising others for using the word either.

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  • TheGirlInTheGreenScarf

    When a black person says it, it's fine.
    When a white person says it, they're on the floor.

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  • Daniel(66531)

    I only find the N word racist if u add Er at the end but Ni**A is word you could use in many ways u can refer it as A Friend or a a strong feeling of an agreement like if someone asks you do you have a crush on Megan Fox you can say " hell yeah Ni**A" with out no one being insulted.

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  • HelterSkelter

    i accidentally said nigger several times in front of a black person i thought was mexican. mortifying.

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  • yournewBFF

    political correctness is newspeak. so fucking get over it. if i call you a nigger feel free to call me a pasty pale nazi. im not gonna get all bitchy about it, im gonna drop my balls and not whine about it.

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  • russellnb

    Did you ever wonder why black people are so offende by it but they use it and laugh at it when a black person uses it. Is it offensive or not? Or are Black people in general just racist

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    • casualcrow

      black people have become racist over time since that is the only way they've been treated.

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  • DiscoDuck

    Well sometimes I say it but my wife gets mad sometimes when I say it to her. Personally I think men need to tell women the "N" word more often because they are too spoiled.

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  • ieatmonsters

    it depends on how u use it really. if someone is being a racist jackass then they deserve a good smack in the face but if ur just sayin wats up my nigga or sumthin i really cud care less

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  • MCEminem

    it used to be racist but its lost its racism. seriously. its just the truth. Nigger is used to mean cool person or friend now. like "man he's my nigger I love him" or "all my niggers with me smoking weed" or whatever. whatever race you are, fricking say it if you want to

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  • pinkbug

    On a casual, everyday basis (and I am white myself) I don't think it's ok for other races besides african american (or "black" if you wanna call them that) to use it (even if they dont mean it in a racist way and even if they say it towards some1 that isnt black) simply because the word causes such an emotional reaction given its history and its offensive. Though wrong, if someone says it to an african american when they are EXTREMLY upset and feel THEY are the one being racial discriminated agaisnt, its forgivable as long as they apologize and let them (and others) know they didn't mean it. (And as long as you know and can tell they don't because you see they are not racist).

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  • LovelyMay

    Oh wait...Negro! That's it, right?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I read this believing someone was going to say the "N" word just to be a jerk. It didn't happen yet.

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  • bubbi.!

    Black people only react when somone says that word to act tough. It doesnt hurt anyone cause no one should. Slavery is no longer as common today. there are some but most of the time people say the "N" word, they dont mean it like it meant in the past. So Saying the "N" word today is not so racist unless you are saying the "F" word infront f.exmple

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  • tyeStubbs

    and it has lost its racial affect cause its been used to many times.... the whites said "negro"/"nigger" cause apparently black people were ignorant cause they weren't white which is funny cause white peopel were ignorant calling black people that xD black people shouldnt see it as a racial thing to them only cause it can be racist to anyone i guess .... its just an ignorant person ... no one should use it period especially in rap songs lol overused like the word "swag"

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  • ucipher8

    you mean nigger? Just don't be covered in mall gear when you say it coming out of caribou coffee. You mean nigga? Just don't say it wearing mall gear when you are near the projects

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  • Araikita

    I just noticed this poll is 2yrs old.

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  • diaperwolf21

    All you fucker that use the "N" word to degrade blacks, need to have your tounges removed. If ya dont know how to use word, then quit sayin it.

    Nigger dosnt mean a black man, it means ignorant asshole!

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  • nAt2017

    Words are like songs- they're not inherently bad, they're given a bad context by nasty humans.

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  • tiffunny5

    Blacks are the only ones who get offended by racial slurs. If someone called me a cracker or whatever I wouldnt get mad, infact I'd take it as a compliment. Im proud to be white!
    Black people need to get over Themselves. And be proud to be black.

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  • Jeshua

    I'm a nigger male and IDC and neither does anybody else. Whites say they care because they don't want to get mobbed on,and blacks who say they care listen and quote songs that use it all the time(bet you like nas). Seriously nobody actually cares

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    I think if black people are offended by this word they should stop using it themselves too.
    Though i like using the word just for messing around with people (not saying it to black people though, only to people who wont get offended by it)

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  • The_Trigger

    it depends on how other people take the word, I honestly think nothing of racial terms, but it depends if the other person does

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    Im white and I never use it but I think its unfair when black ppl are racist about white ppl. Like I'll give you the same amount of respect you give me..

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  • ya-lyublyu-tebya

    I'm not black, and I don't use it, so I don't think it should OFFEND me, but I still think it's a disgusting, degrading word.

    If I was black, I'm pretty sure I'd be offended. I mean; I'm quarter Indian and I'm offended by Paki!

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  • deb

    I really dont care and Im black.

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  • Dricey

    Second last option.

    My dad's a professional writer and he has someone helping him to edit his latest book series, and he describes her as "A negro lady" sometimes.

    He's over 50 years old and not racist. To him, and me, it's just a word that means "dark-skinned" and people discriminate by looks all the time, even within the same race.

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  • rico30

    I agree it can be insulting, depending on circumstances.

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  • Heh?


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  • saraisrockin

    Eh, I've been known to use it jokingly but only when it's said as a derogatory and insulting term on purpose is it is then disgusting and revolting.. the meaning has been washed down really

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  • la_uva_mojada

    I'm white but I've thought about if I was black just to think that like maybe 3 generations ago I would have been a SLAVE to the white man! Racism between blacks and whites is an unfortunate scar left by the wrongs commited of our ancestors.

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    • RoseIsabella

      More like Five generations.

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  • changes123

    It's soo annoying, especially when that word is subsituted for nouns, adjectives, the subject... It has lost that racist tone over use. Unless one uses it to purposely insult.

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  • oh and dont forget NIGGAAAZZZZ

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  • lastnightwaswild

    entirely depends on the context in which it is used.

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  • YakFace

    Depends entirely on what the intent of the user is. If a white supremacist were to shout it to a black person in the street, it would be disgustingly racist. But if a white rapper were to use it affectionately in a rap song, I would not deem it racist.

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  • TheTodd11

    History Lesson for all....

    Nigger is derived from the word negro... If you know your Spanish Negro means Black.. Back in the Day the Spanish was involved heavily in the slave trade. They are the first one to use African Americans as Tobacco harvesters..When the Spanish would trade Slaves They would say "we have 200 Negros"...The slave owners took the word negro, mispronounced it because of their predominantly southern accent which later became nigger...

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  • geek_god_101

    nigger is a misconception of the Niger River and an obvious mispronunciation. remember that when it is objected.

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  • AtomicCollider

    People say the same shit over and over and over again whenever it becomes to this subject.

    It's an endless debate...

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  • It depends on context, I'm a white guy so usually I can't say it but if I'm quoting somebody I'm not afraid to say it in a quote, I never use it as a derogatory term though, cause with it's history that's just not the kind of message I'd wanna send.

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  • its only ok when used in a playful, friendly connotation.

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    • LordFreeholder

      Don't tell me when it's okay to do something, faggot.

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  • Ambivalance

    My best friend and roomate is a rwandan, black as night. As a white, titles like africa, darkness and negro (pronounced nay-grow, not ni-grow) serve only to reinforce our bonds and differences. But I would never say nigger (or in french, negre) or even niggah. I am racist, we ARE different. But nigger is degrading and/or predjudiced. It's like if someone called me hitler because I am white. Me, I wouldn't take it personnaly, I would just think you are a moron, but after more than a millenia of oppression and slavery... Don't be surprised if black people don't regard your use of a simple word as tongue-in-cheek yuppie speak.

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    • Uzzie101

      I have a black friend and when he fucks up we're like
      "arrgh you nigger!"
      He doesn't mind though because he knows we're not racist. We all just find the idea of racism funny!
      "Urrgh I hate that guy, look at him...all tanned and whatnot..."

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  • LovelyMay

    I never knew that the "N" word even existed! :P

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  • l luv black men i never said that word before but my friend said it a couple of times.

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  • ChiChiku

    Well I'm Half Asian so I say it, but only around my close black friends because we're cool. They don't mind. I mean they call me chinks. Btw. I'm half Caucasian. But yeah. I do think it's wrong, but I only say it because my close friends allow me to say it. They don't mind.

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  • black ppl use it (im black) and its pretty much still rasict white ppl dnt say it (to blacks faces atleast) because they always get beat up. it shouldnt be said (nigger) but nigga is jus a made up word anyone should be able to say it playfully as long as u know ur black company

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