How do you feel about the new playstation 4/"orbis" rumors?

I've just read an article (Yahoo! Games, for what it's worth) on rumors about the next Sony gaming console to be released. Many users are upset over the new system's supposed lack of backwards compatibility and attempt to dissuade the used game market. What do you guys think about it?

Waiting on official announcements 8
I'm excited 1
I'm pissed 7
Other (Leave a comment) 1
I'm indifferent 9
Haven't heard anything 9
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Comments ( 6 )
  • DannyKanes

    Not being able to trade games shits me. What am I supposed to do with it once I clock it? Throw it in the bin? Give it to my dog as a frisbee? Stupid idea. The PC already does it and it shits me. Buy a game, register it on Steam, hate it, uninstall it, then what? I guess, I could always put it in a blender, video it and then put it on YouTube. Watch me blend games, coz I can't trade them in.

    *Rant over*


    Stupid idea.

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  • Justin1015

    We need a new game console generation like we need a new NHL or madden game (the answer is not at all)

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  • otaku1105

    I'm waiting to see what its gonna be all about before I read to much into it. However, I am pretty excited, playstation has proofed many many times that it doesn't disappoint me at all. Its like my second wife. Lol

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  • Ono

    Lack of backwards compatability is a real pain, especially with so much DLC stuff thats around now. Every release of a next gen console always seems to have some annoying shit sandwich the public is asked to chew on. Would it be too difficult to design these things so they suit the interests of the public? You would think Sony would have learned its lesson by now.

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  • Legion

    I hate the fact that they would even think of wanting to rid backwards compatibility. Are they really afraid that it would hurt new game sales? most people will still buy new games regardless whether they buy the older system's games or not. besides, it will do nothing to improve sales once the ps4 games start being traded in at game stores. besides, its a major selling point.

    The only good reason for this is if they kept the ps3 and it was backwrds compatible with the ps2/ps1. I know some ps3 are, but mine isnt. sucks cause my ps2 broke a year ago an i cant seem to find a good replacement.

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    • plum6

      Come on how interested are you really in re-playing your old ps2 games? The only one I would still play is GTA vice city. In general backwards compatibility seems really overrated to me. By now you can download pretty much any ps2 game on your pc in excellent quality if you would really feel the need.

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