How do you feel about what happened to sansa in the last season?

- SPOILERS if you haven't seen SEASON 5 -
I saw this illustration
by Andrew Tarusov today and it got me thinking about all the outrage about the scene where Sansa is raped.

Personally, I think it's part of a story that's already full of horrible and unfair crimes. So i don't think it should be banned or anything. Also I think it's important that this crime is committed buy an obviously mean, cruel and vicious character, it's not depicted as "normal" in any way.

But i do think it's horrible that the illustrator chose to dress Sansa in this particular clothes (clearly inspired in the ones she wore on the night she was attacked) to make a sexy desirable illustration.
That's a horribly sick concept, he should have chosen any other clothes.
I think if anyone wanted to point fingers at a wrong message, it's right there, in that illustration.

( I know this whole thing is outdated, but I came across this drawing today)

It's more horible than any other thing in the series. 0
I agree with the people who criticized it. 1
I don't know why they make such a fuzz about it. 4
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Comments ( 7 )
  • The people bitching about it need to fuck off. Sansa was raped, yes. This is Game of Thrones, bad shit like that happens and it's not been the worst treatment a character has recieved on the show. For fuck sake, look at Theon, he's been tortured for a long time, yet no SJW outrage there, but oh, a woman was raped? Outrage.

    It's often mixed with this idea that the show mistreats women, which is utter bullshit. You tally up the brutality served to the characters in Game of Thrones and you'll find that men have been fucked with severely more. But that's the thing, Game of Thrones is SUPPOSED to be this harsh, and if someone thinks that the show should turn in to this hardened, brutal place for men but rainbow mountains for women then they need to take their petty, pathetic selves to the My Little Pony side of entertainment.

    I also have to say I love the actors for Arya and Verys. Two stupid SJWs brought the treatment of women up in a conference and they shut them down by saying that bad shit happens to men on the show aswell.

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  • KingTermite

    I've read all the books available and Sansa is doing fine as far as the books go. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end she ends up the queen, that's what she always wanted.

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    • Interesting theory.

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      • KingTermite

        I think there are other possibles. The author has a huge hardon for Bran so he could become king, then he'd have to marry someone else... not many good candidates, Meera Reed, maybe?

        For some reason I just don't think the Targaryens are going to endup winning, though Dany and Bran would be an interesting pairing... since he could just take over the mind of the dragons.

        It would be awesome if Tyrion ended up on the Iron Throne, that would be the best jape of all.

        I was disappointed Jon didn't take Stannis offer to be legitimized and placed as lord of Winterfell, but story-wise I understand the decision. That could have lined him up for the possibility to be king.

        I actually find Arya's storyline the most compelling. It would also be humourous if she ended up Queen, but I doubt George will take it that way.

        I should ask him the next time we play golf.

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  • That's horrible.

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    • But still I think it's all fiction and anything can happen.What I find sick is the illustration I mentioned.

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  • snarkygirl

    Honestly that show was too violent for me so I stopped watching a while ago

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