How do you get the news?
Through which medium do you usually access the news?
TV | 4 | |
Computer | 15 | |
Mobile | 5 | |
Newspaper | 3 | |
Social media | 9 | |
Other | 4 |
Ask Your Question today
Through which medium do you usually access the news?
TV | 4 | |
Computer | 15 | |
Mobile | 5 | |
Newspaper | 3 | |
Social media | 9 | |
Other | 4 |
Generally, I use my eyes and read it from my computer or other electronic device. I tried interpretive dance but that got confusing.
BBC Radio 4
The Guardian website
TV News (BBC/ITV/Channel 4)
The Metro newspaper
Al Jazeera on YouTube
Vice on YouTube
BBC news feed on the laptop connected to an access point ashore by a long range radio/antenna.
Any mainstream news is all propaganda that is to envoke action. I have yet to find a reliable news source that shows both sides of each story without any adjectivesor adverbs. I dont want to hear about how the white cop brutally shot a black man. Id much rather hear "major controversy over use of deadly force on man in New York, the story at 8" Id want to hear what the cop has to say and what a representative of the man who was shot would have to say. No subjective bs comments from the reporters, just objective information that lets you make your own conclusions.
News? hmmmm...... does it matter? Do you mean that conglomerate media crap that exists for advertising revenue? Hmmmm....
I'm going for custom personalized news myself. If something's relevant to ME. So, my news comes from a niche group of industry insiders.
My boyfriend keeps me well informed, because he's always checking the news sites. Me on the other hand .. >___>
I don't care what's happening in France while I eat breakfast.
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and also facebook: Conservative Daily and Rand Paul, Ben Swann.
Usually NPR when I'm in the car or when I'm on my tablet.
It's amazing how much more positive my local news station is on facebook. They share more updates about people helping others and nature and stuff. I can just scroll past any extra crap designed to instill fear into the grips of our souls. I also follow a few alternative news pages and hear world news updates straight from other people and then research it if I can justify it's importance. I'll probably give BBC a try now as well.
Yes, news websites and news chat shows do contain "nicer" stories about, as you say, helpful people etcetera. I would recommend BBC, it's just high quality stuff.
Yeah there seems to be an obsession amongst many news outlets on and offline to focus on the negative first and foremost. Nice that local news provides a more balanced overview, with optimism rather than relentless pessimism.
BBC on my computer.
After seeing a few people on here recommend it, I decided to check it out. I keep it as my homepage now.
It really does give the full perspective view on matters. I find it interesting.