How do you handle coworkers' failure to reply?

Imagine you're part of a team with a deadline. You're all responsible for different parts of the project. No one answers their phone anymore, and emails pile up unlooked at--let alone every answered. The preferred communication method, it's decided, is texting, maybe Skype team-IM. But someone regularly either fails totally to reply to texts/IM, or in the middle of a brief exchange (4-5 back-and-forths) vanishes without warning or resolution. Discussing the matter only gets a quick laugh from the person and switch of the topic.

Oh, well. They'll get back to me another time. 2
Hmmm. I need the info. Guess I'll do without. 0
Keep IMing/texting. 2
Sarcastic message. 1
Stop trying to contact them. Bypass them in the team workflow. 10
Say nothing about it if previous chats haven't worked. 1
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Tealights

    Report them to the manager, and transfer to a new team if possible.

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  • Ellenna

    Make sure you document all this as proof, because if the deadline isn't reached the whole team will be held responsible, including you.

    If I were you I'd be reporting this to whoever set the deadline, to cover your own back OR you could threaten this and see if it gets them moving.

    This must make the workplace very stressful for you: I hope it's resolved soon.

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  • DuHast

    Do it back to them every chance you get. Try and rely on their communication as little as possible. Makes decisions without them.
    But if you really need it - try and let other people know you're waiting on that person who's not responding.

    Bring it up directly with them (or in front of others at a team meeting) face to face.

    But also make sure that you're not bugging them for no reason either, or overusing the txts. it can be annoying if someone needs a confirmation for every little thing, so make sure the problem isn't from your end.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i dont hafta deal with that bullshit

    theyd be fired

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    • sheilarae1987

      Cause.. You don't work?

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  • PhillipLoco

    Complain to their superior about every error they make, also complain if they are avoiding work taking extra breaks bad behaviour towards customers etc . Make sure your work is perfect that you are excellent with customers & a great time keeper and work to please your bosses. Aim at make this morons performance at work look bad aim at getting him fired. Make sure your boss knows how hard you work and how useless this moron is. Take notes of every stupid thing this idiot does , Evidence is everything , but watch your back. Great book to read 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.

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    • AB1234

      Thanks for the reference, Phillip. I'll check that out.

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