How do you know what insane is when you live in an insane world?

Most people can agree that it is wrong to hurt and have sex with kids. Most people can agree it is wrong to rape people. Most people can agree that it is wrong to kill out of anything beside self defense even though some think vengeance is justifiable. Now tell me this. If you lived in a world in which all these things were considered ok who is crazy. Insane goes by what most people are doing. However if the average is bad people that makes being a good person insane. In this type of world how do you know who is good? Who is sane and who truly is insane. Along with this everyone has their own set of morals. Maybe some people think rape and murder is a good thing. Does this really mean it is?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    I'm all for the subjectivity of morality but I do think there are absolutes as well. Just like any other spectrum, yes there are many shades in between but the ends of the spectrum are still the absolutes.

    I really like the Wiccan Rede "That it harm none, do as thou wilt". when dealing with basic issues of morality. Sexual assault and senseless murder cause nothing but harm and have no benefits whatsoever (except maybe some warped joy to the individual committing the acts) so why do it? We never know how far reaching our actions will be. A kind word to a stranger could save their life on the right day. If any of our actions could either potentially cause great good or great harm as they ripple out through the universe, why should anyone choose the former?

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  • q25t

    I agree with this entirely. Most people think there are some absolutes to morality, but in truth there are really none.

    In the case murder, rape, and stealing, all of these things were acceptable at one point or another (mostly in the caveman era).

    Murder is especially relative. Even so recent as the Industrial Revolution, people were allowed to die within the factories due to the poor conditions for working. Is this not murder in a sense? If you don't like that example, there is the case of kings within the dark ages or the renaissance even killing their subjects.

    Rape is much the same. It was acceptable not too long ago for invading armies to rape the women (sometimes men) they came across and this was acceptable then.

    Stealing is presently acceptable but only in certain ways. Stealing could be defined as taking from someone what is theirs with no intention of return and without direct consent. Taxes upon the wealthier individuals could be seen this way. If that doesn't work, then simply move back farther into the age of kings. These kings would in some cases outright forcibly take properly from individuals and that was seen as not particularly wrong.

    Now to anyone reading this about to jump down my throat, I'm just bringing up the relativity of morality; it's not that I believe these things are actually okay.

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  • DemonicFortuneCookie

    You are has confused me.

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  • seekingcleanfriendship

    Since it is tangible you should now spend the rest of your life searching for it.

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  • mclinking

    Let's say the world is a giant lunatic asylum. Its inhabitants are the patients. But let's say it's not. The only possible alterative is that this world is a giant penal colony. Either of the above predisposes one to think that all of us are here because we are MEANT to be here, i.e. from our previous existence.

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  • dirtybirdy

    The world has always been like this though. There's just a hell of a lot more people so there's more 'bad people' and bad stuff is getting closer to home, so to speak. But there's also more everything else. Good and bad and in between and backwards and sideways and upside down and twisted and warped and wonky and willy nilly.

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