How do you pronounce "1500"?
There are two types of people. How would you pronounce this when referring to money?
Fifteen Hundred | 36 | |
One Thousand Five Hundred | 23 |
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There are two types of people. How would you pronounce this when referring to money?
Fifteen Hundred | 36 | |
One Thousand Five Hundred | 23 |
It depends on the context. If the number is not describing anything or is a date, then it's fifteen-hundred, but if the number is describing something, it's one thousand five hundred.
From a marketing standpoint I think the word "THOUSAND" makes large amounts of money sound larger, which is either good or bad depending on what side of the transaction you're on.
EG: This car cost TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDERED DOLLARS, this car cost twenty-five hundred.
Or HEY I'll give you TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDERED DOLLARS for that car as apposed to I'll give you twenty five hundred for that car.
Is it a time or is it a value? I say fifteen hundred if its referring to the time. If it's a value I'll say one thousand five hundred.
Context matters for pronunciation.
I believe the second is more correct but I remember the bottom always confusing me. I remember them asking me as a kid how much money I want to make as an adult. I literally put 9/nines. 999999999 Also before anyone says what a dumb little kid I was I did ask if the number had to be realistic and they said "Its just whatever you want".