How do you see yourself?

This is about the real world. What kind of contributions do you make to the world? Do you just do participate in the grind or do you get involved in creative projects. Do you join meetings to discuss the future of whatever, or are you stuck in a pattern of nothingness. What do you do?

I am a grinder 1
This is stupid, I just troll. 0
I want to but I don't know how. 2
Don't think about it. 0
Stuck 3
Great! I contribute lots 1
Ugly 2
Let me tell you what I think. 3
Mediocre 2
Beautiful 2
Meh.. 3
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Comments ( 24 )
  • TerriAngel

    The world is fucked.
    I give to charities.
    I live pretty green.
    I try to find ways to assist worthy causes.
    Im not rushing my end, but I dont dread it.
    this world is swirling like a poop in a toilet bowl.

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  • windyleave

    I really feel like I don't owe anything to the world. In general, I just focus on living my life the best way possible, caring for those around me, etc, but always with the right amount of selfishness (right according to me). I don't see selfishness as a bad thing, although selfishness is a primary natural instinct of human beings, and we should acknowledge it more. It would help us put us in context. This doesn't mean that I'm an asshole, I think I'm very likable over all and I value people a lot, but I'll always care more for the people or things I'm personally attached to, and as long as the world works I guess it doesn't matter to me. I tend to see myself as superior to others in general, and I don't see this as a bad thing either, but I'm also kind of shy, which isn't necessarily a contradiction. I actually like people who think they're superior in a reasonable, likable way, without being rude prepotent assholes. I think that my mind works faster and better than that of others. And I like to twist morality in my own favor depending on the context, but I'd never betray a friend or someone who has always been nice to me. I like my sense of justice and I'm also very shy when approaching the opposite sex. So, that was a bunch of uncalled-for information about me that I liked to put out in the world.

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    • Thank you for such an honest reply. I identify with a lot of this. I have no issues with selfishness. By nature, we are selfish. It is how we survive. It is when we throw things off balance that we find ourselves in trouble. Wanting other people to be happy and well cared for is selfish in that a happy community is much safer than one that lacks general resources.

      However the idea that we do not owe anything to the world is backwards to me. The world does not owe us. We only borrow this bit of rock for a small amount of time. If you borrow a friends car or sweater, do you return it damaged?

      And I love that you feel superior to others. I get it. Some people make it easy to do so. But I think it shows a healthy ego. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a complex, but it sounds like maybe you are a bit like me, I am totally superior in many ways. Except when I am not. But I do my best to hide those aspects.

      Anyway, thanks again for spilling.

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      • windyleave

        You're welcome, it's great to see others admit to similar qualities that everyone usually tries so desperately to hide. I usually admit to those aspects in which I'm not superior and try to improve or well, sometimes I just don't care. I don't think this will turn into a God complex or something, but in that case I'd seek help as soon as I notice it.

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  • Unknown_player

    I wish this was multi choice. Id pick all the ones indicating how fucking shit my life is

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  • megadriver

    I don't really contribute to society. Sure I recycle and separate plastics and glass from other garbage, but that's about it.

    I would like the world to be a better place, but I can't really do anything about it, can I? If I was a billionaire, I could do a lot of good, but I'm not. Sure, I can volunteer for something, but that doesn't really impact the world. I mean, if I go to some meeting and we plant 100 trees, it's not gonna counter the massive deforestation.
    If I volunteer at a pet shelter, I will help some animal, but that's just gonna be a common pet (cat, dog, rabbit), not an endangered animal that actually needs protection.

    For me, part-time charity work is just a waste of time for people that want to feel good about themselves, without making a difference.

    I don't have such time, I put all my efforts into my job and my business. Cause in the end, money is what buys you a house and puts food on your table. So no, I contribute very little to society and focus my energy on me and my loved ones.
    I'm just another money-hungry capitalist and I ain't giving up on the dream of retiring on a yacht.

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    • This makes me sad. If you can't save the world why bother trying? This is exactly why the world is going to shit. No one thinks they can make a difference. We are our own worst enemies.

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      • noneoftheabove

        I agree. Too many self centred money hungry fools maketh a shit world

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I don't contribute a ton to society but I also don't feel obligated to.

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    • Again with sadness. What do you feel obligated to do? Be a shit?

      Why is that more reasonable than kindness?

      I don't understand why people feel it okay to ruin everything.

      Sigh....I need a bubble.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        I don't harm anyone either. I mind my own business and pursue my own goals. I don't like my life to serve others. I am not sad in fact overall my life is great right now.

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  • --

    Is what it is.

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  • Nikclaire

    I'm stuck in a rut right now, but I am a grinder who never gives up!!

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      that statement makes me picture yall like this:

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    • You do realize that grind makes the rut deeper? So you never plan to get out of that rut. Lovely.

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      • Nikclaire

        You could also "grind one out", meaning masturbating until that sweet relief 🤣🤣🤣.

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        • I got the joke. It wasn't clever or funny.

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          • Nikclaire

            Awww no fair.

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      • Nikclaire

        There are many definitions for the term. If I use a grinding wheel, I slowly grind out the imperfections of the metal, until it's smooth as a babies ass.

        People don't typically grind deep ruts into shit, now do they?

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    • --

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    • 😉

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I just go to work everyday trying to put food on the table. Notbing very interesting.

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  • LloydAsher

    Meh. I think I'm average because I see guys worse than me while seeing guys better than me. Nothing wrong with average. Just means punching up to a high six would be great.

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    • Nope, nothing wrong with average. Unless that average is skewed towards bad. It's okay to be different too.

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