How do you see yourself politically?

On a scale of 1-9 where do you see yourself politically, 1 means your political views are extreme right wing, 9 means extreme left, 5 is neutral (try avoiding this choice if you have even the slightest preference). I just want to point out that when I'm talking about extreme, I don't mean like Obama and Romney, but rather like Hitler and Stalin. I separated the answers into age groups, would've also include genders but that would be just too much answers. Also please no insults, every opinion is respected.

1 (age under 18) extreme right 9
1 (age 18-34) extreme right 6
1 (age 35-64) extreme right 3
1 (age 65+) extreme right 0
2 (age under 18) 0
2 (age 18-34) 4
2 (age 35-64) 2
2 (age 65+) 0
3 (age under 18) 5
3 (age 18-34) 2
3 (age 35-64) 0
3 (age 65+) 0
4 (age under 18) 1
4 (age 18-34) 5
4 (age 35-64) 0
4 (age 65+) 0
5 (age under 18) 5
5 (age 18-34) 4
5 (age 35-64) 0
5 (age 65+) 0
6 (age under 18) 3
6 (age 18-34) 2
6 (age 35-64) 0
6 (age 65+) 0
7 (age under 18) 6
7 (age 18-34) 7
7 (age 35-64) 1
7 (age 65+) 0
8 (age under 18) 2
8 (age 18-34) 4
8 (age 35-64) 0
8 (age 65+) 0
9 (age under 18) extreme left 2
9 (age 18-34) extreme left 5
9 (age 35-64) extreme left 1
9 (age 65+) extreme left 1
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Comments ( 22 )
  • dappled

    Actually curious about what position people take in later life when they are already quite right-wing from a young age. Scared stiff, but still curious.

    Bring on the death squads, eh? If it don't fit with your worldview, gas it.

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    • jitterbug66

      Wow being right wing at a young age is "scary"? I suppose being left wing is normal and should be instilled into young kids.

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    • bananaface

      You didn't even answer the question, haha!

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      • dappled

        Ha! It was 2am and I couldn't quite work out where I stood because my politics are changing. I've been an 8, and probably would have said 7 for most of my life but now I wonder if I'm a 6.

        The problem is that the viewpoints are opposing and both have things that are right and things that I think are wrong. Also, different things are right at different times (i.e. in times of recession).

        I also appreciate that one problem is part of another problem. For instance, in recession, do you concentrate on giving your money to the out-of-work, knowing that it will make the recession longer and deeper, or do you use tax cuts to stimulate business, knowing it'll shorten recession but really sting those who can't get jobs in the short term, or do you go for balance (as I would) knowing you get a slightly worse recession and slightly tougher conditions, meaning nobody wins, but nobody loses badly? Would people support a policy in which nobody wins?

        Also, is it really the right thing to keep flip-flopping between two governments with opposing views? If you have a ship so heavy that applying the rudder only works after 20 hours of concerted pressure, keeping changing the direction of the rudder every two hours will have no net effect.

        This might be a radical view but I'd abolish party politics. Why should one people with one set of political views determine everything that happens in this country. Instead, why not let people vote for experts in each field (economics, health, education, military), regardless of their politics. Why not use people who have risen through the ranks and know everything about their sphere? Why should we have one post in government that is responsible for both foreign trade and war? It's not the same thing.

        So to answer properly, I'm not on the scale of 1 to 9. I'm off the scale completely and on a different page. :)

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        • bananaface

          That's a really good idea, I would like something like that to happen. And I don't even know where I am on the scale. Although, that's only because I have no idea what any of this means, this poll has made me very embarrassed, because of how ignorant I am :/. I had to take a test, and that only confused me more.

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          • dappled

            Aww, don't be daft. You're anything but ignorant. If you were, I wouldn't be sitting here, doing that test you found. :P

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            • bananaface

              Oh, can we compare results:P?! And, seriously, when it comes to anything politics or geography related, my response will always be very embarrassing.

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  • Hitlerwasright

    This doesn't work for me because national socialism is not right or left it is beyond the to ideas of capitalism and communism

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  • commoner

    Having a tendancy or a over-all view one way or the other is what political party's exist on...

    The only way to break the grip of political parities is the judge each issue by itself alone.

    where I stand on one issue does not influence where I stand on another issue.

    I am not corraled by a political party view or platform. I don't play their game.

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  • Wendell

    I lean to the smart side

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    • jitterbug66

      Which must be right-wing. ;)

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      • Wendell


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  • misca

    I chose "3 (age 18-34)".

    I think the Perussuomalaiset party (The True Finns or whatever they call themselves) had many good ideas, and yeah, they are a right wing party. Only problem is that the realisation of their ideas is lacking.

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  • bananaface

    I apologise if I've misinterpreted this question, because my knowledge of politics really is appalling. I just took this test to find out where I am:

    <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

    Is that the sort of thing you're talking about :S?

    If so, then my results say I'm about a 6,leaning slightly towards a 7. Apparently that's an economic right/left wing thing, I'm so confused. I've heard so many definitions of the term:( As for the other thing it measures (Social Libertarian/Authoritarian), I'm half way between being a Libertarian and being in the middle, if that matters.

    Again, I'm sorry for my ignorance:S Have I completely got the wrong end of the stick here?

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