How do you tell your fwb you not interested anymore?

So I have a freind with benefits. We use to be old work collgues and there was always a lot of sexual tension. 7 years later we met up by chance one night and we kind of been doing stuff ever since. Anyways I kind of been super busy with school and don't got time for them anymore. Our relationship kind of turned into we just using each other for sex so I don't feel terrible about neglecting them. I low-key kind of wish we was dating though because my coworkers at work keep harrasing me at work about the fact I'm single, or trying date me or hook me up with Thier single friends. I not sure how bring up I got a FWB and my FwB keeps saying just quit your job. Even though they can quit anything cuase they run home to mom and dad but I don't have that type of support system and will just be homeless. Also I recently moved housing and they always want bang at my house and they can't cuase I moved in with other people. So it's not like we been able do anything anymore since it always has to be my house. How do I tell FwB I'm too busy to mess around anymore?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Just tell him that man. Lay it out pure and simple, that your to busy to deal with that atm, and put in a bit of sugar cause it'll probably hurt them.

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    • I not sure why it would hurt them. They don't want anything serious or the responsibilities that com with a relationship. Yet when together try hold my hand and give me a kiss good bye and I just wish they would make up thier mind. If we hang it had to be at my house but that doesn't always work, and they don't want to actually commit so I can't use them as a shield when everyone having a fit at work about the fact I'm nearly thirty and single. So I not sure what they really expecting at this point. They are being unrealistic.

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  • ChrissySnow

    For me, ending FWB situations is hard. I pretty much have to move away for it to totally stop

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    • Why?

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      • ChrissySnow

        Because it usually doesn't take much for them to get me into resuming FWB stuff again.

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        • I can't move away. I have a job, bills, rent, school.

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          • ChrissySnow

            I understand. Job, bills, rent, school and sanity takes a toll on one. If it was me, I'd likely just give excuses more often, but make the times that we do have more special.

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            • What times? There is no where for us to go

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    Having been there the way that worked for me was to just say I found someone else, and say we can be friends. Don't dance around it cause it'll drag on forever and don't be harsh because that's mean.

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    • Well I don't have another freind with benifits. Should I lie and say I found someone new even though I didn't cuase they don't seem to get the hint. They keep trying to invite themselves to my room which is code for "Have sex".

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      • DADNSCAL

        Sometimes a little lie is best

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