How do you think you're viewed on here?

How do you think people on is it normal view you.

a brainiac 12
an asshole 21
a basketcase 11
a troll 14
a princess 2
a deliquent 3
a nice person 47
a pervert 8
a jock 4
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Comments ( 156 )
  • Mrman10

    I'm not viewed at all.

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    • anti-hero

      Who the hell are you? lol

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  • Totally a princess.

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    • shuggy-chan

      Fairy princess

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      • sisterlover

        fruit princess

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      • fairyprincess


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        • braintrip

          psssh, shuggy's the best pedo ever

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      • braintrip

        sssshuggy. your stalker has CUM BACK>:D

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    • Princess Bubblegum

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    • Avant-Garde

      Princess Beautiful.

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  • anti-hero

    I need an other option for "scumbag".

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  • dom180

    I think most people see me as "smart for my age" (it's something I've been told several times here).

    I'd like to be known as someone who genuinely cares about people and their problems, which I think people do notice about me. Once I worried that people saw me as "too serious", but I've stopped feeling insecure about that (because I know I'm not, and even if I was it wouldn't bother me anymore).

    Otherwise, I just want people to see me for who I am. If I'm funny, I want people to see me as funny. If I do something stupid, I want people to see it for what it is. If I come across as arrogant, feel free to view me as arrogant. I care what people think of me, but mainly I just want them to have a clear view of me.

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    • You've never acted arrogant around me, honestly I've always saw you as a smart kid who did genuinely care about others. I'm not saying this to assess your worth in my eyes I just want you know that I, among others I'm assure, appreciate your presence on here.

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    • Shackleford96

      I see you as a sincere person who likes to help out all that he can.

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    • Saycheese

      Yeah I have never seen you as arrogant either.

      I can tell you just help as much as you know and what you think might be right. :)

      Also look at all these people responding.

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    • fairyprincess

      We see you as a fag.

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      • Avant-Garde

        He's man not a burning pile of sticks or a cigarette.

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        • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

          Or a meatball.

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          • Avant-Garde

            That's always a plus.

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            • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

              Hey, that's offensive. Being a meatball is perfectly nice, thank you very much.

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    • Moonbow

      Well, bully for you!

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      • Benji~

        Grrrrrrr, arf, arf woof, woof woof WOOF!

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    • sisterlover

      i see you as a stupid retard but thats just me

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        Your opinion doesn't matter.

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        • sisterlover

          thats what my parents say. weird

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          • I've seen you around a lot and you're an asshole.

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            • myboyfriendsbitch

              He is an asshole, but I think he's kind of fun too. His comments to people have no basis in truth. He doesn't know anything about anyone anyone here, so you can't take his comments like these seriously at all. His comments about his self (and his sister) are likely bullshit covered truths. He is just another societal reject like the rest of us, only a bit different. Or maybe a lot different. His humor is a defense mechanism that allows him to accept himself for who he is and possibly be accepted by society... and I hate to say it, but he can actually be a bit funny at times. Some things he says probably make more sense in person than online.I actually hope he hangs around. I have faith that he will eventually find a healthy balance between being funny and being an asshole, maybe even write some posts about his parental rejection and incestuous desires. Still, I think his taboo authenticity makes for an interesting addition to IIN.


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            • sisterlover

              thanks man

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      • Avant-Garde


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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Noble and honourable.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • Like a sir

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    • King_Felix_IV

      Gallant and courteous.

      His Imperial highness King Felix IV.

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  • GuessWho

    All of the above. Depending on my mood.

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    • sisterlover

      Well I heard a rummour that people think you are Mexican. I don't think you are. You may be strange but you're not mexican

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      • GuessWho

        You would be right about that. I'm from a complete different continent. (and it does say that in my profile)

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  • Darkoil

    A bigheaded twat

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    • anti-hero

      Come on, you don't have a big head.

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  • starie

    I think i'm a mixture of nice and troll x)
    sometimes i just answer normally and other times im just like: screw it and start being really sarcastic with my answers xp

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    • I think everyone at some point pretty much has that screw it I'll try to be funny moment haha.

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      • starie

        it's hard not to want to give troll answers... some of the posts on here are just begging to be trolled xD

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        • I agree

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  • howaminotmyself

    I really don't think most users even think much about me. My ego isn't that big. But I think most users see me as a nice and helpful person if even I come across as arrogant at times. I try not to think about what other people think of me too much. That train of thought leads to no good...but I am guilty of it.

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    • Saycheese

      Yes most people feel as if others judge them wrongly when truely most likely the others around you feel that way. Just think about that and then you stop think about that. :)

      If anybody judged you anyways then they aren't that great of a person to be around anyways.

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    • sisterlover

      i hate you man. I pretend to be nice but now is the time to vent. You annoy me, bro

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      • howaminotmyself

        Oh darn, is it because I'm not more like your sister?

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        • sisterlover

          I don't work or go to school. I spend about 5 or 6 hrs a day creating questions and commenting other people's questions. I even forgot to eat lunch today because i was on the site. My parents and therapist say it isn't healthy but i have no friends and I am too depressed to leave the house. When I do leave the house it is to get food or something and the whole time I am going I am thinking of a question I want to create or answers. I would like to cut my IIN time to only 3 hrs a day. I have written about 100 or 200 questions i want to ask. I just found our about these site from a social anxiety support group and i've been on here since. I love love love it. I need it. I can't live without it. When my dad come home from work I tell him about all the questions I made on here. He laughs. Sometimes if i post a really funny question i'll call him at work and discuss with him. I think it is pretty normal but my therapists says I need to spend less time on the computer and more time outside. I think he wants to control my life and all he cares about is money. I'm think of not doing therapy anymore and devoting my whole life to this site. My dream is volunteer for IIN or maybe create a marketing program for it. I'd be working from home of course*+-

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        • sisterlover

          no one can be like her. she is a yummy treat. oh god she smells so good down there. I need it

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I think people see me as my boyfriend's bitch... :(

    But! If people are ever able to look past my name they might see me as thoughtful and intuitive; a fresh perspective, as a ram who avoids the path of a great bear due to sheer curiosity of the mysterious wilderness.

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    • That was beautiful

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        It's in the style of the tarot and inspired by a dream. Thank you :)

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  • charli.m


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    • Shackleford96



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      • charli.m

        Heheh :P

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      I think you're a brilliant user and seem like a great person

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      • charli.m

        You're sweet :) I really enjoy reading your comments. You're smart and funny and seem like a great person, too.

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        • kingofcarrotflowers

          Thanks :D

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    • dom180

      Tsk, you know you're great. You're one of my favourites, anyway :)

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      • charli.m

        Aww, thanks :) You've always been one of my favourite users since I joined. I'm glad you're still around.

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  • 69

    as a number, i suppose

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    • Or a position.

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      • 69

        or a year

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        • 69

          or a psalm

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          • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

            Or a sideways zödiac symbol.

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          • 69

            yeah that's all i got. i tried

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  • q25t

    Not a clue.

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  • bananaface

    The things people here have called me don't match the things I'd describe myself as being, most of the time. They're either too nice or a bit too mean. Most of the time people are very nice to me. I don't think that's entirely what they think of me. There are people here who I really like but who have things about them that I also dislike, but I wouldn't really bring them up unless asked, because I like them. Some people might think I idolise them or something, even though I could easily point out things I dislike about them, and vice versa. That makes me sound two faced or something, and I don't think I am; I just don't think it's necessary to tell everyone every little thing you think about them (and it's probably unwanted, too).

    If anyone even cared enough to know what I think of them, they could just ask, and I'd give a completely honest answer, although I don't think anyone cares enough (I also think people would be underwhelmed about what I think of them, and maybe surprised). So, basing it on how I view people and how I think they think I view them, I imagine it's similar for others. As in, people do have a decent view of me, but I don't know it, and they're more likely to compliment me than point out my flaws, because that's the nice thing to do. And for the times when I do get insulted, I think it's because I've pushed someone over the edge of their politeness. There isn't much of a middle ground. I mean, if I called someone "mediocre" or some such thing, it would sound insulting, although it isn't particularly insulting; it's just not a compliment. So, although people don't express it, I think most people have a fairly even view of me, not too positive, and not too negative.

    I've rambled on without even answering the question like I'm supposed to, haven't I?:P Typical! I think most users are indifferent to me. I think some think I'm annoying, which I understand (I'm surprised most people don't find me highly annoying, although maybe they do:O!) Like dom, I've been called "smart for my age". I've been called funny a few times. I think I come across as mean to some OPs, because I am mean to some of them, for the sake of humour or because I think they need it, etc etc. I'm sure there are several different words people could use to describe me, although I think I'm pretty nondescript to most here. I'm not one of the funny users, or one of the intelligent ones, or the kind and lovely one. I don't feel like I fit in any of these particular groups and like I'm mediocre at most things on here (yay for middle grounds:P!)

    Edit: although I do have a knack for overly long comments, mainly rambling or just irrelevant or being really repetitive:P. So maybe that's what people think of me.:)

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    • I like it when you ramble on (that was not suppose to come out as creepy)

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      • bananaface

        Heh, I don't think it sounded creepy!:) Anyway, thanks.:P I feel a bit bad about it and I'm often aware that my comments are the longest on the post (such is the case on this one:P). It's pretty selfish of me, because I could actually get my point across in a shorter and more concise way, but that takes time and energy. So instead I ramble on and let the OP waste their time reading my comment, which could have been shorter, had I made the effort.:/ Good to know some people find it tolerable.:P

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        • sisterlover

          you are very creepy. stop sending me awkward messages. I don't like it

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          • bananaface

            Aww, but neither of us has Gold, so even if I wanted to (which I totally do), I couldn't send you creepy messages.:)

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        • But I like reading your long post, they're usually cool.

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    • dom180

      I like your rambles a lot, as I know you know. It feels a lot more like a transcription of someone actually talking, which most of everyone else's comments don't and if you try reading them out loud sound very rehearsed and unnatural. In a weird way, reading your comments it doesn't even feel like you're typing to anyone but just having a conversation with yourself and we're all overhearing it. I suppose that's strange, but it's good to read anyway :)

      Oh, and while you're definitely one of the funny ones I've also seen you be one of the intelligent ones and lovely ones too. Being in just one group would be awful anyway; how boring :P Don't do yourself down so much; too many people here do that already for you to start as well! :)

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      • bananaface

        Thanks!:) My rambles sort of are just me talking (or typing) to myself, so it makes sense to me that you'd see it like that. I'm usually just talking to the OP but get carried away. I've never saw it as being strange, but oh well! Thanks, though.:)

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I view you pretty much exactly as you described. lol... overly long comments, very polite but sometimes mean and a bit annoying. I can't always read the whole of your comments, but some, like this one, I find profound. You have made me smile a couple times and you have a hot British accent :) This, however, is the first time I've really felt I could relate to you enough to make conversation. I think I tried once before and it was a fail. lol. I don't remember very well, but I think I just said something stupid that you may or may not have taken wrong. I do that pretty frequently.

      But, anyway, I wouldn't mind knowing what you think of me, if you have formed any opinions. Actually, I would be ecstatic to know what anyone thinks of me because no one ever tells me and I'm a little obsessed with how others' perceive me. It's such a mysterious matter.

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      • bananaface

        Haha, hot British accent! That is pretty undeserved, because I sound more stupid in real life.:P

        Anyway, I don't really have many opinions about you, because I know very little about you. I've had a bit of a think, and a few things come to mind. I think you're very honest, and that you appreciate honesty, which I noticed because I really like that trait in people. I sometimes get you confused with a few other users. You once posted a comment that made me laugh quite a lot, although I don't know if I've confused you with someone else. One thing in particular stands out, which is a post which I'm fairly sure was yours (your who I connect to the post, anyway). It had a picture of a painting you did, and I was really impressed by it. Not sure if it actually was yours:P. Overall, fairly indifferent, because I don't know you very well.

        Told you it was going to be underwhelming:P! Hope this helped with your curiosity, though. I don't know enough about most people here to have many opinions (I usually only have opinions about the people who reply to my comments, because I read their replies to me and find stuff out about them through that). Sorry.:)

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          No need to apologize. I don't really try to make myself noticed by anyone but the OP so it's understandable that you know little about me. Plus I usually comment after everyone else, by chance; or I just hang out on the lonely posts because I feel like everyone deserves a thoughtful opinion. Some posts just get the worst advice.

          I'm content with this and I'm glad you noticed my appreciation for honesty. One of my favorite movies is The Invention of Lying. lol. I feel like I can be mean and I say the wrong thing too often, but no one ever says so.

          I did make a post asking people to rate my painting. Thank you for liking it (unless it was another user who posted a painting. but I wasn't anonymous on that one, so ... seems about right).

          Don't worry about long comments. Depending on the topic, I really enjoy reading them. And even when it's a topic I have little interest in, other people who enjoy that topic seem to enjoy them. And I'm sure the OP enjoys someone putting so much thought into their question. I'm glad we finally conversated :)

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    • Anime7

      What do you think of me?

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      • bananaface

        Hmm. I don't know you incredibly well, so this will probably be completely off-base, so I'm apologising in advance!:P

        To me, you come across as being inquisitive. Also, you're one of the nice users; I think you genuinely try to help others, and that comes across as being your main reason for being on the site. I think you try to be mature. You also seem honest and fairly confident, in a way that is a bit strange to me because it's so forward and I'm not used to seeing people act like that.

        You can also come across as pretentious, although all but a few on the site have said things which make them sound arrogant at some point, in my mind. You seem like one of those people who are insecure and feel excluded, but sort of act otherwise, if that makes sense?

        Sorry if any of that really inaccurate. I can't really word my opinions of you as well as I'd like to. I don't find it at all surprising that you're a teenager, although I don't mean that insultingly or like I'm calling you immature or anything.:)

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        • Anime7

          Wow, that was pretty interesting, and I agree with your perception of me. Thanks for the honesty, it was awesome. I swear, not trying to be creepy, but its like your speaking into my soul.

          I like you, I like you a lot for how observant you are. I didn't mean that to sound arrogant, I like you for a lot of other reasons to; weirdness, kindness, and frankly how you can make giving good advice look so easy. What I meant was that I liked your analysis of me cause not only did you capture the positive aspects but the negatives as well (and said what they were in a not mean way, kind of like how a friend tells their friend when they're being rude or inconsiderate for the purpose of helping them in a social situation not like insulting them).

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          • bananaface

            Heh, speaking into your soul?:P What a funny way of phrasing that!:D

            I think what I consider arrogant is a bit different what other's might consider arrogant at times. Someone can be really cocky, and it doesn't bother me. Yet really small things can come across as being really arrogant. Funnily enough, I would have considered you arrogant if you got offended at me saying that sometimes I think you can be arrogant. Although, you didn't, so...yeah.:P

            Anyway, thanks!:)

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  • robbieforgotpw

    I feel that I have much wisdom to share as well as gas. Pigpen was like me..great personality just don't stand too close

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  • I think it's a cross between "asshole" and "basket-case."

    I'm hated and I love it.

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  • Hugh*Janus

    DJ make these white people get up and dance!!

    I'm the best, man, I did it....

    He's the best man he did it...

    He da best man cuase he da best man,

    He don't really have to have no reason,

    He just did it.

    I DID IT!

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  • dude201

    Probably as an ass maybe sprinkled with some kindness and/or helpfulness. And opinionated. But get to know me and I'm actually a nice guy.

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  • et12356

    ET's new, so no one knows ET, but I think this site may become one of ET's favourite sites. Also when you look at the number two sideways it looks like a high heeled shoe. Look -----> 2

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  • Thexoutcast

    Users on here seem to socialize with each other almost in friendship. I don't have that. I feel left out, like an outcast.. hence the name.

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    • We all feel like that sometimes. Try putting yourself out there.

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      • Thexoutcast

        I do...

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        • Try harder I guess.

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  • Iamagirl

    Where is ugly nobody who complains all the time and nobody really cares that I am suicidal and I self harm myself and I want to die and I just should?

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    • That one doesn't exist. But there are people who care, if you want to talk about it, I'd be glad to listen. Frankly, I've been depressed before so I know how tough it can be and how desperately I wanted someone to listen to me. So tell me, what's on your mind? and is there anything I can say to help?

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      • Iamagirl

        Um tell my friends that I'm not a pillow, I'm a person. And that they need to stop going through my stuff. One found out about my depression notes I write to myself and they told my other friends. Now they try to steal my bag and I don't think that I can trust them with my secret if I can't trust them with taking my stuff you know? Although you can't tell them that. So just yell at people who call people worthless. Kk? Kk! ;)

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        • You're not worthless, nobody is. Try not carry a bag full of notes and honestly try to avoid those people. Clearly they aren't your friends.

          I know that depression can suck, but the thing is that there are so many positive qualities about you that perhaps you don't see yet, but one day you will. One day you'll see that you're a great person. The world isn't full of bad people, there are genuinely nice human beings out there. Try to have a positive outlook and remember that, the world isn't a bad place, it just may look that way sometimes.

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  • DandyElfman

    I have no idea. Really bad at figuring how others see me.. I guess dumb for still watching cartoons even as an adult.

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    • That's not dumb at all, I bet it'll be good bonding time for when you have kids.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I think people on here view me as ignorant and unhelpful. You need life experience, people smarts and common sense to be able to give good advice, and I lack all three.

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    • King_Felix_IV

      That's a bit harsh on yourself. Your comments are well written and generally quite helpful from what I have seen. Hell I'm only 15 and I think I can already give better advice than some of the people here, though I must say this site does attract more genuinely mature and helpful users than some I have come across, where the members appear to share half a brain cell between them.

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  • DolphinAngel

    As a dolphin?!

    Well in general I'm getting along with people just fine and some might consider me intelligent too =P

    People also see me as some weird guy because of... yeah the regulars down there in the chat now why ^w^

    Also the people who are just reading my posts/comments might not now what to think because I'm rather incapable in expressing my thoughts in language neither in my native language (German) nor in English :/

    In general people might just tell me right away what they think of me... I don't care too much anyway...


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  • AssBurgers

    Possibly as a troll? I don't know tbh. Some of my posts are just me messing about, but if I feel I can offer someone good advice then I will share it.

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  • DreamSpider

    I can't say I know how I am viewed on here because I haven't been on very long :P

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  • A troll.

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  • Gumball

    Anonymous. You will never know! Nah, probably older than what I am.

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  • Benji~

    Woof! Woof! Woof! Bark bark bark bark bark bark woof woof woof arf woof bark bark woof arf - arf arf arf, bark woof.

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  • lc1988

    Awe I was hoping for an invisible option :(

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    • Well you can be a basketcase, although that doesn't seem to fit you. You're more outspoken and kind, not that being a basketcase doesn't make you nice.

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      • lc1988

        Lol basket case it is

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  • alv1592

    I'm not tell me.

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  • I'm seen, as expected, as a troll-troller.

    My original, still active persona, got mixed reviews. I've been seen as an asshole, a whiny little bitch, and a voice of reason.

    I haven't posted as myself for awhile.

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    • searchingnow

      Are you suckonthis9?

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    • sisterlover

      that's gay, bro

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    A Neurotic Neptunian :P

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    • Avant-Garde

      Neurology on planet Neptune.

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  • sisterlover

    As a fuckin basketcase with no life; an obvious troll; only seeking attention. I don't agree. All my posts are true; I just happen to be a very sick individual. I mean, my name is sisterlover hmmm you know what i'm sayin. wink wink nudge cough cough

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    No idea. There's a couple of people I think I get on with but on the whole I'm not sure I've never been good at judging things like that

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    • I think you're a pretty chill fellow, helpful and nice. Very understandable to others plight.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Thank you :D

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  • Store210

    Another name, who makes comments
    Sometimes helpfull, others more trying to be
    And sometimes also just loosing sight on the subject and start talking about why i wear socks.

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  • Gravy

    I'm not sure what a jock is besides a Scottman.
    I have been called arrogant, self righteous, lier, complete tosser and many other not so flattering terms. However, most people know it's an Aussie national sport to 'take the piss', so pls don't get too offended.
    About being self righteous, I'm just happy.

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  • Paradiddle

    I'm feeling a little lazy right now and I don't feel like reading everyone else's comments but I'll just say that if for two seconds, someone thought long enough about Paradiddle to gain an opinion on me, it'll be that I'm a nice person who tried to make unbiased comments about people's stories. I tend to type long responses but I don't really try to make a name for myself here, I don't need popularity. But its nice to read and comment on people's stories so that is what I do.

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  • Sketcher18

    Hopefully a nice person!
    I've haven't been on for too long
    and so far, I don't think I've done anything bad.

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  • Saycheese

    I can't really say because I don't think too much about it, but from comments it seems like people think of me as a nice person. I think about others on here though and just want to help when I feel like I can. :)

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  • loopoo


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  • ScooterNyne

    I think most people view me as a clown. lol.

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    • sisterlover

      I'm not even going to tell you what people on here say behind your back. Its not nice at all. I don't want to repeat it. Its cruelty so mean that I really feel bad for you when they talk about you, bro. Its one thing to make fun of you on IIN but when they make websites dedicated to spreading vicious rumours about you; that is crossing the line. I know it is painful but if you want to talk I'm here for you, Skeeter. I'm one of the few that doesn't make fun of you. I'm a sensitive person and am able to see past all the weird vibes you send out. So yeah just let me know, bro

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      • ScooterNyne

        ... uhhhhh yeah. sounds pretty nasty O__O
        Scooter... btw. Scooter. not, Skeeter.
        Thanks for the uh... concern lol. I love meeting and talking to new people.

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        • sisterlover

          they don't like meeting you. Skeeter, scooter w/e same thing. Anyways people laugh at me cause i brag about how hot my sister is. They are just jealous. If their sister was a sexually delicious as mine they'd be bragging too. I also tend to babble. But i'm ok once you get to know me. Incest isn't as trendy as it used to be but its make a comeback

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          • ScooterNyne

            well do you have proof of this sexing sibling lol?

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  • Cucco

    Probably a weirdo/pervert, no different than irl.

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    • sisterlover

      people in real life call me a pervert and a loser. On IIN people keep telling me how funny I am and clever. I finally fitting in. Everyone loves me here. They all laugh at my jokes

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  • willyma

    I guess people see me as an asshole (bitter) is properly more accurate. However i care, and try to show tough love and my honest view on things. Please dont get offended.

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  • Skitzo1

    Im a straight up asshole.

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    • sisterlover

      better than a straightdown asshole

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  • Justsomejerk

    Damn, I voted Jock but I thought it said jerk.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      The green name kind of makes me think you're a jock.

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  • Shroot

    Who know's, i don't comment much, but when i do i usually get some thumbs up, so i suppose i make people laugh

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  • mixwell

    I usually go on IIN when I'm taking a crap to read and while I've had an account for 6 months ish I usually don't post or reply so I guess no one would really view as anything. I usually try to gove advice on certain posts that seem legit but some posts that appear stupid I reply with smartass comments..

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Both a nice person and an asshole. Been thumbed up/down a lot depending on the thread. Been called ugly, a nerd, an idiot and what not but never good things so I guess the asshole side still wins.

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    • Shackleford96


      Never good things?! But, but, that just doesn't make any sense!

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        I hope it doesn't make sense. You mean some ppl like me here? ;-)

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        • Shackleford96

          Most definitely! :)

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  • dinz

    I do try my best to share my... well limited knowledge to help my fellow IINers though I can be someone who comes across as an idiot.

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    • Shackleford96

      Nah, you don't seem like an idiot.

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      • dinz

        Thanks it means alot coming from you :)

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    • sisterlover

      You really are man. Not to be mean. I spend most of my free time reading your posts and you don't seem very educated or smart. Sometime you say the stupidest things I can't help but laugh. I mean come on, man. Grannie Panties?. Anyways if you calm down and make relevant posts than people won't avoid you or your creepy messages. Just a little bit of advice

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      • dinz

        You really are man. Not to be mean. I spend most of my free time reading your posts and you don't seem very educated or smart. Sometime you say the stupidest things I can't help but laugh. I mean come on, man. Grannie Panties?. Anyways if you calm down and make relevant posts than people won't avoid you or your creepy messages. Just a little bit of advice

        Though I'll copy and paste as a reply for obvious reasons... :P

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  • KaffeInjection

    I'm a nice guy and all i want to do is to spread buttcheeks. I'm here to help alot of people with that.

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    • anti-hero

      Meanwhile, in South America.

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  • Moonbow

    It's hard to believe there are people who actually care how they are "viewed" on some ridiculous website primarily made up of young teens and immature adults.

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    • There are plenty mature adults on here

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    • Rather well said, Moonbow.

      Hey, would you believe that we're thought to be the same person? Reading your comments, I'm not surprised. XD

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